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a year going to pass...

this yr going to pass... this yr there a lot of up and downs in my life....i donnoe... i begining to feel more n more not like myself... i donnoe why also... wish to find back the happy me... it seem to have disappear...

Therefore i wish next yr, there will be a improvement in my emotional. i will be able to be stable in my emotional....wish my life will be able to find the balance pt...this yr, my work, studies, family, love life n health are all in a mess... everythign required me to spent time but there are only 24hour per day... even i don sleep, i also nt able to handle it. i really feel vy emotional and physical tired. will next yr be a better yr for me... i still like a ship in ocean that has lost it direction, finding meaningless in everything.....


Mark Lim said...

One of my ex-bosses once told me this. He said, "Mark, this uncle of mine told me that in life, you just have to take care of 2 main things - work and family. But the most important thing is to always take care of family, because if you lose your job, there's always your family, but if you lose your family, the job might not be there for you. And if you lose both, you're gone.".

Then he went on and told me about swimming. Imagine you're swimming in the sea. You cannot afford to keep your head below water all the time because (1) you'll drown of suffocation, and more importanly (2) you need to keep your head above the water to see where you're going. Moral of the story is that you need to once in a while, get your head above the water and see the big picture of Life.

In the deep blue sea of Life, there's a lot of noise, a lot of distractions, a lot of struggles, but if you focus and head in the right direction, when you reach the place you want to go, everything that happened along the journey becomes the past and insignificant. Thus, the first thing to do is to see the big picture and find your path - your direction.