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Taking OIL

today another day no need to go work. Every time during yr end, it the time to clear leave. Office nowadays also seldom have people. Lunch time, there are either only 3 or 2 having lunch together. Not like in the past, it about 2 cars of people.

Then my department also divided into 2 group while having lunch. Coming monday, i have no ideas i will have lunch with whom. As my department, left with another 2 co-li and me. I wonder who will i join tat day.

About to go out, today going to be a rush day for me. Meeting XiaoYing for lunch at 1pm, later meeing my god brother for awhile to collect stuff from him and pass him xmas gift. Then need to rush down to Taka to meet xiuru to pass her Xmas gift too. =) ok need to get ready to go out.....;P