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A relaz day....without work

Today took leave, therefore never go work. Lunch time, meet xiao ying for lunch near her work place. She today so poor thing, cause she was the only lawyer left for the day.

After meeting up with her, i meet up with my God brother at center point, see he eat lunch while i have desert. =) i also pass him, his xmas gift. He stare at it for a long time, he encourage me to try make and sell it online. he say it nice. =)
After meeting up with him, i went to Taka to meet my nus classmate, xiuru to pass her xmas gift. she also never took her lunch, therefore i company her, while i drink peach tea and chit chat. She also receive the same xmas gift as everyone.
After that we walk around to get some food. As today i in-charge for the makan for my cg. Bought cheese cake stick for them. They all say nice. =P

Back home, after bath, cant really sleep. oh no....i too use of sleeping late....