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MC for 2days

Today finally went to see doctor in the morning. Since yday i have muscular pull when i try to raise my left arm. Today the condition has became worst.

Lucky after taking the musular relaz medicine, it become much better. Hope after that tomorrow will be much better. Haiz all this problem are due to work.

Later at 1am - 3am i will be working from home again. haiz..... just hope it really a 2hour outage. Previously also say end at 3am but actually ending at 5:30am. I havent inform my manager, that i taking 2days instead of 1day. After tonite outage then i will drop him email on that, n will be saving the time-off for next time. cant be taking time-off and MC at the same day.

In the afternoon, cow sms on how the reaction on xiuru on the xmas gift. I told him i never went to work and doctor given me 2days MC. After work, he come visit me at my house. Just chit chat and also show him on all the xmas cards, envelope and gifts that i made.

He say this time round, i have improve a lot. =) Of course, cause i bought so many different tools to help me. Some of the tools i still don really know how to use, but will learn. When i DIY cards, i really enjoy the process. now i only completed 3 Xmas cards. still a long way to go.
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