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Today the whole day having headache....Dont know is it due to the weather, when i left house, the weather was so hot.....the pain was so unbearable for me....

The 854 bus air-con that i took was not cold at all. It was so warm, making me feel even worst, the journey took nearly 1hr15mins. Then a teenage couple, was so inconsiderate, switch on loud music almost throughout the journey, causing my head hurt even more.

Then thoughtout the day, i really dont feel like talking much, cause my head hurt so much....Now after bath, cant sleep i also cant miss my service cause i need to go for sunday school, after that cant go off early cause got xmas rehearsal. Lucky tonight 854 was fast, manage to reach bedok interchange at 11.30pm, instead of the usual 12am or after.

Tml going to meet xiuru to have breakfast between 9 ~ 10 am. Hope i able to wake up early, and have energy. Later in the evening, will meet up with my ex-co-li for dinner. It been a long time, i meet up with them. hmm...abt 3mth ago, that time i was in a rush, so sorry about that. Hope tml nothing cope up at work, let me enjoy my time with them.... Nowaday really have to cross my finger about work....will never know what will happen....donnoe if i have to say my luck are so lousy....