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a day at home

Today i never go out, whole day at home. Today didnt plan to go out. Just stay at home, to do somemore hand gift for friends. Hope it enough for sat. =)

Actually, i throw temper at mum during lunch time. I really dont like mum to be like that, everything also link to a "mi xin" The bow was hot therefore, i cant place it on my hands, then she sudden scold me for the way i hold my hand, saying i cant do it, i look like a begger, begging for stuff. Why must she say words like tat... does she know, she hurting me... i her daughter.... I know i wrong, i shouldnt shout back... but i cant control my temper...why am i like tat....

i really hate it.... when i cant control i will shout back... if i can control, i will just keep quiet... n just bear all the unhappiness to myself... i will never try to explain anything... cause when even i try to explain, ppl just think i creating excuses.... sometime i really donnoe what to do... should i say or not to say.... say will make ppl angry, dont say also will... i rather don say anything... cause sometime i really feel, nobody try to understand me. they just want me to be the one they want me to be. i cant be want i am.......