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Got scolding from dad!!!

The day before, accompany my dad to see doctor on his aching conditions on his leg. The doctor who attended him have no ideas what wrong with my dad. His conditions is slightly different from what he expected.

When my dad saw his reaction, he say to the doctor, you must pray in-order to know what wrong with him. The doctor every fast agreed to pray together but my dad back off. The doctor quickly mention "1peter and John14". I think my dad don't know what the doctor was saying.

After that I went to school, therefore I miss the chance of sharing it with Dad. But I keep praying very hard for my dad, hopping that he would recover from this illness and also to have a chance to share with him.

I know it very hard cause my Dad was a very stubborn person. Just now I still bear with hope to trying to share with my Dad. Just as I expected. I got a bad scolding from my Dad. Mum said I asked for it. I really wish my Dad wouldnt suffered. The nurse that day even suggest me bring my Dad to light house to have a try. I really wish to bring my Dad to their healing session if there are any but I not sure my Dad will go a not and I know I will get a lot of scolding from him first. Anyway, I will need to find out more from my ex-supervisor.
“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way;And the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”(Isaiah 53:6, written 700 B.C.)