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Global warming and climate change

haiz, recently singapore haze is so bad.... lucky this 2 days the wind direction have change. On saturday nite it was so bad. That evening, on the way to church service. Really dont feel like walking on the street. Vision all so blur.

After service, went to North Point, still thinking if i should catch a show. One of the reason is weather too bad. shouldnt stay out-door. Ended up, i still watch Jacky Chan movie. It had been like 3 mths plus never watch any movie. Really enjoy the show. almost laugh throughout the shows. =)

Back to the climate change, i really feel all of us should do a part. As this world belong to us. Due to all human we produce so much heat to the world that the planet current facing a very serious global warming. There are no longer a balance point. Places with rain, will also face with water n water while some places you cant even find rain. We really got to take care of our one and only planet.
