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i never been angry for more than 1 night... this time i already been angry since sat night.... when i reach home, my dad don't even dare to ask anything. after i get into my room i start throwing items here and there. i just know that my dad told my parrots to stop making noise, jie jie is in bad mood. i even wake up

i know i shouldn't be like tat but i just cant control it. i cant.... i cant do anything. when i can use my pc non my sister room pc, i was so mad, i keep throwing pillow and hitting my hand on the table on the keyboard.

sunday morning, i cant do anything, i feeling so mad, n i keep crying. i try to do things but i cant... i try to read bible, i ended up crying.... everything i do, is all uncontrol emotion. i never know i will get so angry.... i never experience it before....

cow even say that i am xiao qi. ask me to forgive her... i donnoe i just cant do it... it beyond my limit. Just that sunday night i was feeling much better... at night i could do sunday school stuff.

then today evening time, while i was waiting for bus, i was still praying for a heart to forgive n forget everything. who know, come the sms.... it been too much.... every sms come, is all the word that really hurt me.... i already try my best to avoid direct quarrel about it... n everything come are pushing me to that limit.

i really don't know what to do.... i wish to forget about it but i cant... i also don't know how... i don't know how to handle the emotion.


Anonymous said...

No matter what cause you to be angry, you still have to finish your work. Throwing your temper to those that care about you, will only make thing worst for you. Try to calm yourself down first, else you will only make more mistake.

Someone whose care about you.

Dena said...

i already try my best to control it... but every sms she sent are all out to attack me... why must i take all the shit.... i a human that has feeling n emotion too.

anywhere i will still do the part i should do... i never try to run away what i should do....