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Sick...vomit & fever

This morning i over slept.. suppose to have cg at 10.30am but i wake up at choice but to take cab there...

After finish the breakfast at MP house i don feel gd...actually when i wake up this morning whole body aching. just thought i never sleep well over the night. cause recently, when i wake up, my body always aching.

After the cg, Cow & I went to AMK Mac to studies. With another 2 classmates. study till even time... went to have dinner, but i still not feeling well. eat a bit of food, i vomited all the food of the day. =)

cow company n send me home. reached home my family members was not around, all went to my sister new HDB flat. cow company me for awhile, after he left, i measure thermometer, i realise i have slight fever. After that i fall asleep till my parents come back, then check my temperature, it raises to 38.2.

After they back, i went to take a quick bath. it still stay around 38.1. I couldn't rest cause i cant sleep... therefore decided to write a blog of today.