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A resting day

today didnt go anywhere. at home the whole day. was having sore throat, headache and whole body aching... i think i am too heaty...


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Today right at my house, i able to see firework. First time seeing firework at such close distance. =)

taking care of roses

My god brother finally make up his mind to woo the ger, he interested. He even thinking of making a large banner to hang it during lunch time, to offcially tell her. Morning sms me how to take care of roses as he want to give her a pot of roses that he take care.

Hmm.... a bit hard, as sg weather not really suitable for roses to grow. Hope he able to win the heart of the ger he like. =)

The Meanings of Roses
All roses symbolize love, but certain colors of roses can take on special meanings. Opinions vary on the many meanings of roses, but here are some of the more common:

Red - Love, Respect, Courage
Yellow - Joy, Gladness, Freedom
Pink/Peach - Gratitude, Appreciation, Admiration or Sympathy
White - Reverence, Purity, Secrecy
Two Roses Joined Together - Engagement
Red and White Roses Together - Unity

The teacher movie

Watch a heartwarming story about a teacher's relationship with her pupils. It is very touching and I'm sure you will feel very touched after watching it. The movie is at .

went jogging...

finally manage to go jogging today... run 2 round, walk 1 round. exersie very little... but it been a long long time i had do anything...hehe... must keep trying to go running on a more regularly days... cannot be so lazy... i been putting a lot of weight since i start studying...hehe...

Didnt sleep well again

haiz....donnoe why...this few days cant sleep one stupid wen zi, keep bitting me...sob sob.. make me wake up at 5am and i couldnt sleep till now...=(

yesterday night i keep toss and turn on my bed couldnt sleep. really not use to sleep before 12am. hehe... too use to stay up late. have to change my lifestyle. Must learn to sleep early wake up i able to do more tasks per day... have a lot of pending stuff to do... oh no... begin to feel pressure for time...

Sat Lunnar new year dinner

Saturday i was so the afternoon i couldnt take it, i fall asleep till close to 7pm dinner time...i don even feel like taking dinner... After dinner mum keep saying wanted to go chinatown to walk walk...

i really don feel like going.... i wanted to stay at home... but since wanted to go, just company her... when we on the train, i see that she was so tired... i wonder why she wanted to go.... haiz... she keep saying wanted to go buy flowers, but all the flower there are nt nice and nt fresh... she keep saying it cheap... i really wonder...the transport cost over $4+ for both of us. she just wanted to bought flowers, is it worth it... reach there, shop about 30min+ she wanted to go home, we not even see anything much as there are lot of ppl... haiz... donnoe what she thinking.... during the trip keep asking me my sister coming a not... how could i answer her.... then make me do flower arrangement with the flower... so ugly...haiz.... nothing to really look forward to.....

Lunnar New year dinner

This year a bit special, we have a day in advance of our Lunnar new yr dinner because this yr my sister is not joining us on the actually day. Making me thinking today is the actually day, and sat is CNY... haha...

The whole day was very busy, as i was throwing away all my old clothings.. it actually turn out to be 1 big bag of old cloths. didnt know i keep so much unwanted clothing in my cupboard.

After that, replant my plants follow prepare dinner. really a busy and tired day for me. After finish 2.5 glass of red wine, i went to bed, i think it was close to 10pm only. Wake up at about 2pm because being kissed by wen zi. sob sob...

Replant my african violet

Today, finally willing to do a bit of tidy up for my plant... hehe.. i cut away the parent leaf. and replant it into 2 small pot. I not sure if the parent leaf able to reproduce new leafs, just trying it out, but most likely it not going to. =)

My flowers

Day 2 flowers

Day 3 flowers

Zhengli birthday card

This card was done within a very short notice. hehe... but till now, this card havent pass to her... n not all the ppl who share the present have sign on the card...haiz...if i know that, i will not rush out the card....=p i think she would only receive the card on the following wk, as next wk is mid-team break.

VDAY over liao

This year Vday just over. This year nothing really special but have a vy warm feeling. We went to have a dinner, and cow bought flower for me. =) I think all gals would love to receive flower no matter what. I love the flower very much....Hope cow like the gift i pick and it useful.

I still remember few yr back, my poly gal friend never receive flower from her bf she quarral with him and was so upset. That yr vday she spent it with me and another gal. We called it friendship gal. We bought a stalk of red rose for her. After that year, her bf, alway bought flowers. hehe...

Actually, i think vday is a day to express love with simple dinner, flower and gift. No need very special or expensive. I think most important are the love..... without it, it will just be an appearance, very cold.......

just finish

just finish... doing my tired... going to bed nw. tml it going to be another long day for me... how come, i even more tired and no time to do my stuff, since i on AL. There are so many things i need to be done... when then i can stay at home to do a bit of my studies... haiz.... everyday also need to go out, cant stay at home the whole day... this whole wk, is a bz for me... none of the day is at home, to be my studies... home time, is all doing other ppl stuff... =(

Not able to access to VPN

Since over the weekend, i not able to access to company VPN, therefore meaning i not able to do any support to all my services.

This morning, my server die around 6am+. I remember i did a health check few weeks back, the disk space was not full... i think it die because of diskspace... wonder why....

Plants @home

My plants at home, still healthy looking. Lucky, before hand still worry, it will not able to stand such hot weather.

so blur....

i think i am so blur...i agreed to meet with 2 person on the coming wednesday... i not able to make it as i need to go for medical checkup in the morning... by the time i settle, it will be close to noon....being sotong again.

shopping day!!!

Today went shopping with my co-li. hehe..finally had a chance to go been mths, i bought any clothing for myself.... I bought 4 tops and 1 bottom... actually i wish to get more bottom but didnt see anything i really like. =) Really tired after about 4hours of shopping at town.

is it so hard...all i want is a gd rest.......

Today i don plan to do anything in the morning. Hopping i able to wake up naturally.... it been so long that i able to do that....till i cant remember when... but today it really not my day, night time had bad nightmare. follow by in the morning 2 wrong phone calls.... then follow by work till now.... i hate it.... it should be my AL... i want to take it to rest... but i cant.... now my whole back aching.. donnoe why... haiz.. i never able to rest well...all i want is a gd rest... why does it have to be so hard...............

being scolded....

went home... mum being unreasonable again... she keep scold me till i cry n cry... my dad n sister have to stop her... my sister also try to console me... telling me to stop crying n i didnt do anything wrong....

Lunch@Sake yesterday

Yesterday, having lunch with my department co-li. too bad we cant sit together in 1 table. It been a long time we have lunch together. There is one co-li missing, uncle choo... he was sick and went to SGH to see doctor. Didnt upload yesterday, cause too tired.
Today, was also very tired.... went out to have lunch, the weather was so hot.... i couldnt stand it... on the way to school, i fall asleep on the train and nearly miss the stop.


wah...really tired....yday wake up vy alert again.... make me couldnt rest well at night....

then today back at office, there are so many phone calls...because there are problem with my services... i been troubleshooting in the morning... n after lunch, have to answer to ppl, why the services was down.... haiz... how am i know.... it might be the outage cause by e other team... but they keep saying there are no service impact... but my services go a bit crazy once they start the outage... timing really matches... anyway i cant direct point finger at them too... haiz.... just say there might be a link... once i know the issue, restart application, the issue solve... check back the log, someone sent a mainitance status to my application... i guess they forget to resume, that causes the problem... anyway no prove... just have to let it be for this case....

My african violet last day @office

Today i will be bring my plant home. As i will be on 2wk+ long AL. Plus my last day is on 28th Feb. After that i will be saying bye bye to this office and all my co-li. sad to part with them.....

inteterest link

Just happen to come across when looking at one of my friend bulleting..

Give your love ones a special rose with printings on valentines' 2007!
If you think a rose is just too normal, you should notmiss this!Imagine a rose with your partner and your pictureprinted on it. Prices start from S$10.

IT SHOW 2007

Venue, Dates and Opening Hours

8th - 11th March 2007
Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre
( Suntec City )

Levels 3, 4 & 6
Opening Hours :12 noon to 9pm
Free Admission

last 2 day at office

Last 2 days at office. Have almost bring all my stuff home. The first 2 photos can tell, it almost empty as compare with my co-li many stuff.... tml i will be bring back my plant.



Just finish taking bath... sudden eye so heavy... wanted to sleep already... suddenly just remember forget to do what my mum ask me to do. Few wk back just switch hp with my mum, my previous hp, when switch on, it will display " God bless you".

Mum very dislike the greeting message... hehe... but till now i havent replace the message to her name. She say she prefer to see her name. I think mum know i very bz, so she never keep asking me to change for her...

Finally finish clear up my bedroom

Finally manage to clear up my bedroom. i even tidy up a corner at my bedside, so i can enjoy a short reading before i go to bed. Donnoe i have the energy to read a nt. =)

long lunch....

Today boss not around... and office not many ppl. went out for lunch just jianyan & i. we went to yishun for lunch. We expect we will took very long but we only took 1.5hr. hehe...

now back at office, again don really feel like working... on the coming friday there a planned outage... so gd, i no need to do it... actually what going to do, i already do it a few times at standby server. =) very easy one... need the most 15mins only.

so empty...looking

my place now are so empty... so wierd...really not use to it... all the time my place are full of cute figures and toys. now all of it have been remove and bring home... today i will be bring another bag home...

on the coming friday i will be bring my plant home but not sure how to bring back, as i got lesson that day.

being scold left, right, up,down, center

haiz...being scolded by my mum again... abt me not eating fruit at home...scare that she poision me...of lah, it because the fruits are pray one and i choose to avoid eating it...this has alway make her very angry... on and off, she will throw temper on me because of this... just now she even say, if she noe it, she will never allow me to baptism... the problem is, even before i baptism i chose not to eat...

she alway complain me with all my aunties, cousins who have been baptism... she always say, they also eat, why i cant eat.... i have try to explain to her, but she just dont accept it... what i can do... when this start, she alway say things that really hurt my feeling.... :'(

my family members alway when i don do things their way, they will alway say vy nasty words... which alway hurt me vy deeply... i really feel like crying... but what can i do, it will alway happen over and over again... they alway want me to live and do their way... they never realise i have my own mind, own wish... they alway try to put their thinking onto me... sometime i really feel... i have no space.......

Firework displays

The Singapore River Hongbao 2007 will be held from the 16 Feb to 4 March.
Below is the schedule of the firework displays for seven days:

16 Feb (Fri) - Opening Ceremony
9:15 to 9:30 p.m.
Duration of Fireworks : 3 mins

17 Feb (Sat) Eve of CNY
9:00 p.m.
Duration : 5- 8 mins

18 Feb (Sun) - 1st Day of CNY
Time: 9:00 p.m .
Duration: 5- 8 mins

19 Feb (Mon) - 2nd Day of CNY
9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

24 Feb (Sat)
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

25 Feb (Sun)
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

4 Mar (Sun) - 15th day of CNY
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins
Wonder when will my plant begain to produce flower.....hehe....guess still need many many mth.....
see the different... mine is still so young.....have to learn to be patient...

My plants

Today come back to office, saw my plant soil was very dry. Quickly water my plant... hope the parent leaf will harden tml.... today it feel so weak....

hmmm how my office plant

3days never see my plant... i begain to miss it.... wonder wat supprise i will get when i see it tml.... hehe... planting to bring my plant back maybe on the coming friday...

Hope it will be able to take my house normal room temperature as all the time it was in air-con room. will take photo of my plant tml... hehe

Today took time off

Wah today took time trying to do the stuff that i plan... ended up, all those i planned never fullfill... haiz... Actually planning to do a bit of exercise either in the morning or evening... ended up i never did...

Actually in the morning went out to do some stuff... Have lunch with cow. then went over to my great aunty place. Long time never visit her. Also borrow 2 books with my aunty. Actually wish to reach home before 3pm but ended up, i reach home nearly 5pm. It because my mum, want to drink at the coffeeshop. Ended eating a bit, then she ask me to go with her to ntuc... then everything settle down... it was 5pm. after cool down, i fall asleep... cause i was so tired... that why couldnt go jogging at all.. cause by the time i wake up... it was nearly 8pm. actually now i feeling tired again...

just finish checking all my mail and doing a bit of reading here and there... also just finish apply medicine on my scalp.... back still feeling vy aching.... donnoe... when i feel back aching, i cant really do much... cause sit for long will be feeling worst... tat y i like laying on my bed... haiz... cant be keep feeling this way... really got to solve this problem...

Last time, when i still exercise regularly... i seldom face to plan my time to go exercise...when i not enough sleep....when i working.

another week have pass...

wah...time really pass so quickly.... another wk have pass again... how come i feel the time pass so quickly, yet i have not complete much things till now....

Sunday night, i am packing my been quite sometime i do housekeeping...cause really so bz and tired, since school started... i think i going to fall sick again.... i feeling a bit of sore throat.... my room are so dusty...hehe.... I think i have more n more stuff... i think i need to throw away some old stuff...


NATURAL LIGHT: Adequate light is the most important factor in promoting flowering. Place plants near any window that has bright, but filtered, light. An east window is best because it gets morning sun. A thin curtain will be necessary if placing plants in a south or west window. In order to develop a nice symetrical form, plants must be turned 1/4 turn every week.

FLUORESCENT LIGHT: If adequate natural light is not available, plants can be grown under fluorescent lights. Use double tube fixtures with one cool white bulb and one broad spectrum bulb. Lights should be 8 to 10 inches above the top of the plants and turned on for 12 to 14 hours a day. If plants have tight centers or seem to be bleaching out, reduce the number of hours to 8-10 a day.

WHEN TO WATER: More violets die from overwatering than from any other single cause. Violet soil should be kept evenly moist and never allowed to become soggy. Water only when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. Always use tepid water.

HOW TO WATER: You can water from the top, bottom, use wicks or use self watering planters. However, about once a month, plants should be watered from the top to flush out accumulated fertilizer salts. Never allow plants to stand in water (unless wicked or Oyama Planters are used). If water gets on the leaves, dry with a paper towel to prevent leaf spotting.

SOIL: A potting medium suitable for African Violets should be sterilized, and light and airy to allow root penetration. Soilless mixes are ideal - they contain sphagnum peat, vermiculite and perlite.

FEEDING: Lack of regular feeding is one of the reasons an african violet will not bloom. The best way to feed is to use a dilute fertilizer solution every time you water. Use 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. fertilizer to one gallon of water. A balanced fertilizer should be used such as 20-20-20 or 12-36-14. Find a fertilizer with a low nitrogen urea content as urea burns the roots. Some brands are Peters, Optimara, Miracle Grow, Schultz.

ATMOSPHERE: Temperature and humidity are important factors. Most violets can tolerate temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees. Ideal temperatures are 72-75 degrees day-time and 65 degrees night-time. The preferred humidity range is 40% to 60%. A humidifier or bowls of water placed near plants can be used to increase you home's humidity during heating season.

Drink the right tea + Some info on Drinking Soyabean Milk

This is an email receive by my previous co-li ;] therefore share it with u all.

Are you drinking the right tea?
1. People who use their "brain" to work or students who study hard day and night.
--- should drink more chrysanthemum Tea.

2. People who need a lot of body energy to work or those people that do a lot of exercise everyday.
--- should drink Wu Loong Tea.

3. People who travel on a bike or work in dirty and polluted places.
--- should drink Green Tea.

4. For people who likes to sit down all day long and not doing anything even exercising
--- must drink Green Tea and Flower Tea.

5. People who smoke and drink alot of alcoholic drinks.
--- should drink more Green Tea.

6. Carnnivore
( those people who must eat meat at least once a day, or feel sick or not feeling well.)
--- try to drink some Wu Loong Tea.

7. People who go to the washroom too often or too less.
--- should drink more Honey Tea

8. People with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
--- Wu Loong Tea,Green Tea.

9. Those who work with computers everyday.
--- need to drink a Lot of Tea (any tea wil do).

Whenever you are working with the computer, you should make some tea, drink it when you are free. Drinking Tea is healthy, it can protect and prevent the harmful Ultraviolet light from harming us (when using computer).

Furthermore, it can also cure us when we are tired and help making our body feel fresh again.


All of us know that soyabean drink provides good protein to our body... but many of us doesnt know that there are certain days we should avoid on the drink. Soyabean drinks are best consume on hot sunny days where the sun is burning and glaring. The soya milk will gives lots of nutrients to the body, as the body is able to absorb the protein well.

However, Avoid the drink when the weather is cloudy or raining. Taking the drink in these weathers, the body will not be able to take in the protein thus will result in a disease called "GOUT" or "high acidic urine" due to the high protein residue in the body, after a long run.

This disease will cause pain to your knee joints and it will only be in control when you control your food intake of proteins and medications. The pain is unbearable and usually you will have no idea what you have taken to cause the pain. Food like soya beans, ikan billis, broccoli, spinach, peanuts, animal organs ( i.e. pork liver) etc will have to be avoided to prevent the pain from attacking.

So my friends, pass this to your family, relatives and friends to keep an alert of the pros and cons of soyabean milk and when it is to be taken and avoid.

So Happy Drinking.

alert during lesson....

yday there are over 100 sms alert during the middle of my lesson... sianz... i try to call my sup a few times but no one pick up, and the monitor alert team also call me....

no choice i try login the system but i cant login the mine vpn account, meaning i cant access... and i cant do anything... just keep trying to call my sup... till he pick up. ask him to do it... ended up it because of another co-li restart the monitor agent in his system that causes all the alerts... Actually till now, i still have this qn, when does restart agent will cause all the achive alert to surface out... it just sound so unlogical.... it something out of my control.... since day one, my boss been asking me to solve it but till now it still happening... haiz... i cant be solving it, as that system is not under my care... he just never get the correct person to do.... cause i cant get my co-li to do it.... he just keep telling me it work like tat....

find it so hard doing search online

wah... i really donnoe how to search online... i cant seem to get the items i want... i even try search in the IEE standard.... who can tell me how the TV signal being broadcast? how the dvd recorder encode and decode during recording? What is the technical overview between TV set and DVD recorder.........