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wake up in the middle of the nite!!!

haiz i know i shouldnt always complain....that i was being wake up in the middle of the nite due to work cause that my job scoop....

i really have no ideas why, i cant accept it anymore.....i cant accept my job scope...cause i feel it totally affect my personal life....i got no personal life at all...i got no time to rest at time to study...n all my sleeping pattern are in a mess.....

now i wake up, i really donnoe what to do....n there are alert coming in every 2 mins till about 5am then it will stop....=( how to bear with it.....i really wish to tender now but it not worth it cause in one month plus time i will be getting my AWS....i need to hang on to it till then but will i have the energy to studies?

Now my current job are affecting my studies too!!! i got no time n energy to do it...even i take leave i am still personal time at all....i really hate it, it giving me a lot of pressure.....=(