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Stress up over work!!!

Been having MC for the past 2 days......i think i being stress out over work....That day when i see doctor i was having stomach cramp, stomach flu, gastric pain. Keep wanting to vomited and yesterday keep feeling dizzy. The worst is, my blood pressure was a bit high. Think due to work stress, never rest well.

Dont know, i think my mum see me like that she cant bear with it. She company see doctor, usually she never company me see doctor. I always see doctor myself....

I feel i have reach the peak, yesterday i sms xiao ying if she could help me with sunday school. I vy strees with work and at the same time studies. till now i havent start preparing my studies. my paper on the coming 27th. Havent have the time to start since day one lesson time. i even miss a few lesson. haiz....why everything just went wrong..... can it turn out smooth...... Stress!!!