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Second day out of office, on course training

Today are my second day out of office due to on course i am waiting for the system to be set up. nothing to do therefore, trying to write a blog. hehe....
ter 11
Today first half i was sleeping during the lesson cause it too dry and no hand-on. sleeping for more than half the lesson ;P

i didnt gain much from this 2days course... i think i am too tired to be able to absorb the materials.... yesterday, reach htm after 11pm due to study a bit outside. after i reach htm, rest awhile, after bath, i was busy checking email and replying email and also reply to request that was being ask during on course. haiz.... after that i was so tired, i never even switch off my notebook, i fall asleep. 2days in a row =( see how tired i am. i cant absorb anything much, and the worst things, my exams was on the 27th Nov coming monday, i havent even touch much on my books, i really have no confidence to pass at all.... i cant concentrate on my studies at all.... i only wish i could pass and make it to the next sem. i really wish to get out of this kind of working life. =(