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Time flies!!!!

So fast, it middle of the wk. The wkend just pass, i finally met up with my ex co-li. So long never see them, i feel so paisei, as i need to rush off to church service. cant stay with them longer. Really miss those time, while we working together.

Playing online game, "Knight Online" together. Do night shift together, having supper together. Life together at that times are so happy. How i wish to work with them together.......miss those old times......but it will never come back. Therefore, really hope i will be more free to keep contact with them.....i have to try my best to keep the contact. =)


Anonymous said...

soon :)
btw didn't see u online recently. we were wondering if u took a cab to church service tat night

Dena said...

I didnt really online last wk, because i was sick. On MC for 2 days.Now feeling much better.

Tat day i never took cab, i took mrt.I was late, but i inform the person teaching with me already.