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Finally a wk break!!!!

Finally a wk break, and finally manage to see one of my poly friend, xuemin. It been nearly 3mth i last see her.

Yesterday meet her at plaza Sing. Before dinner, we shop at spotlight as i was looking for some material to DIY card for my sister ROM. Really been a long time i never shop, bought a pair of white shoe and feeling so happy. hehe....

I couldnt enjoy myself too much too. tonight onward need to really start study for my coming CA and try to complete my projecy and report before term start. There still a lot of studies materials to read, i still very lost in my study. Hope i will not fall sick again. Really have no ideas, why i always keep fall sick. haiz..... i also have to try to stay cheerful. Past few months, i always so moody. have to try to stay +ve at all time. it really hard but i learning to do that.