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So tired studying!!!!

today leave office a bit late, therefore reach home after 8pm, rest awhile study till after 11pm. just finish taking bath, waiting for my hair to dry. eye couldnt open. my mind was so tired...... really needed to take a really gd rest. my mind cant absorb anymore.

Also chatting with my poly friend. yesterday meet her for dinner and sudden one of her current uni guy appear and have dinner with us. Now i asking her is it her bf, she keep saying no. haiz....... so i wish she would get herself a bf soon.

Finally a wk break!!!!

Finally a wk break, and finally manage to see one of my poly friend, xuemin. It been nearly 3mth i last see her.

Yesterday meet her at plaza Sing. Before dinner, we shop at spotlight as i was looking for some material to DIY card for my sister ROM. Really been a long time i never shop, bought a pair of white shoe and feeling so happy. hehe....

I couldnt enjoy myself too much too. tonight onward need to really start study for my coming CA and try to complete my projecy and report before term start. There still a lot of studies materials to read, i still very lost in my study. Hope i will not fall sick again. Really have no ideas, why i always keep fall sick. haiz..... i also have to try to stay cheerful. Past few months, i always so moody. have to try to stay +ve at all time. it really hard but i learning to do that.

MC for 2 days

Was on MC on thur n friday. Down with cold again. Havent really recover for nearly 3weeks.

i think i really needed a break but somehow, things just keep coming in. i just couldnt take it. But life still have to go on. i still have to work, studies, n etc.....

Just hope that nothing cope up anymore. sometime i really couldnt cope with the pressure at all....sometime, i wonder will i devloped depression.

During the period i was so busy, i was feeling really moody. really wish to stop whatever i was doing. as i feel i couldnt control my emotion at all.

Time flies!!!!

So fast, it middle of the wk. The wkend just pass, i finally met up with my ex co-li. So long never see them, i feel so paisei, as i need to rush off to church service. cant stay with them longer. Really miss those time, while we working together.

Playing online game, "Knight Online" together. Do night shift together, having supper together. Life together at that times are so happy. How i wish to work with them together.......miss those old times......but it will never come back. Therefore, really hope i will be more free to keep contact with them.....i have to try my best to keep the contact. =)

Cant wait for weekend

Can't wait for weekend to come....Been sick for 2week, till now havent fully recover. Still having slight sore throat. Body still feeling very tired n aching. sometime will even feel dizzy. haiz....

How i wish i no need to work nor studies....Really feeling physical tired....=( Sometime i feel i dont know how to laugh. No feeling on things now.

What is Love?

Today chatting my friend online, who counting down on the days she going to engage. On the topic settle down, marry.

The first thing that come to my mind was 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Share with her this, the first reaction from her was,"so touching mah". Till I explain to her my feeling of this words. Then she able to agree with me and feel just a few lines words but there are so much meaning behind it. What I didn't mention to her was, at different stage in my life reading it, mean different to me.

Found a nice flash movie on this verse:

and a link which I feel it worth to read on this book 1 Corinthians:
Topics on Love

How to get more things done with limited time?

How to get more things done with limited time? I just cant see to be able to do it. I feeling more n more tired trying to do so many things with little time...i not able to do my best in all the tasks.

How could expect me to complete a task that i used to need 3 hour to complete asking me to reduce it to 1 hr n able to still do it well....expect me to make full use of the time. Keep telling me it can be done cause other ppl able to do it. =(

i not them. i need more time on my studies. they all forget that i a full time worker plus part time students. i need time on my own to studies. i not a bright student, it not enough just sunday morning alone or lucky sometime saturday morning.

everything is what other expect from me, have they ask me can i do it a not. Asking me to take care of my health, yet there are so many task, cant rest, cant concentrate and yet want me to do well in all around. i cant do it. .. i really cant do it. i really feel stress, i donnoe how much longer can i cope with it before i really break down...............

Happy Birthday to myself!

will a person have no reaction on stuff....emotionless

Can a person been living in this world and have no feeling on anything....can a person do that....a living person with no emotion at all....if a person living till like that, isnt it pointless to live....

Is it that person have given up hope in this world, that why choose to behave in this way?



If dont have you will never make that unknow step. It require a lot of courage. After that first step, there are still so many unknow waiting for u. Can it be overcome all.....i really dont know....just take thing one at a time....never ending stuff for u to overcome in life......