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Good bye and thanks

Today another co-li last day. Recently, keep hearing ppl tender and last day. On the coming friday will be my last day too.

Actually, I am sad to leave as I enjoys working with my colleagues. They have become like friends over the past few years. As I choose to leave because I really need to avoid night job as it is affecting my hormones. This has been advice by doctors.

Therefore, recently I really try to be on bed before 11pm. Like yesterday, 9pm+ I am already sleeping. Let hope I will be seeing my health improve in the coming few months.

Hmm... Dark chocolate...


Esther said...

glad u manage to slp before 11pm. take gd care

Dena said...

:) But sometime I will still sleep late. hehe... whenever going out after work or wkend period. I will continue to try to sleep early.