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Bus 960

Haiz... today I wanted to reach office at abt 8am slightly. Wake up early, reach bugis mrt station at abt 8.30am. Too bad i miss miss 960 i guess... no choice but to wait for the next the arrival board stated 960 will be arrival in abt 16mins... then the board reflect bus 960 arrival but the bus nowhere to be seen... nvm this is not the first time it happen... the board reflect 16 mins. waited another round the bus was not in slight again... the board stated 960 arrival 2 times but i never see the bus at all... next round another 16mins...lucky this time waited abt 5-10mins bus really arrival.
I waited nearly 30min+ abit.. should be the waiting time for bus have cut down... but the waiting time is still so long...

I wake up early wanted to reach office early but ended up i reach office abt 8.30am. I am only abt 15mins early only.... usually i reach bugis abt 8.15am. What the point of waking up at 6am+ ended i reach office only 15mins early. Really very angry about this kind of bus service they are providing....