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Just back from malaysia

Over the wkend went to my cow sister place to stay... didnt really rest well now i feeling vy tired when i back to work.... His sister children, switch on air-con 24hour... at temp 23 plus a fan... at night i keep wake up due to very cold...

How i wish i could take one more day off from work... no choice... as work are going to start busy.... no choice.... cant take leave anymore.

Precious Moments' Inspirations clips

"If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles."


Bus 960

Haiz... today I wanted to reach office at abt 8am slightly. Wake up early, reach bugis mrt station at abt 8.30am. Too bad i miss miss 960 i guess... no choice but to wait for the next the arrival board stated 960 will be arrival in abt 16mins... then the board reflect bus 960 arrival but the bus nowhere to be seen... nvm this is not the first time it happen... the board reflect 16 mins. waited another round the bus was not in slight again... the board stated 960 arrival 2 times but i never see the bus at all... next round another 16mins...lucky this time waited abt 5-10mins bus really arrival.
I waited nearly 30min+ abit.. should be the waiting time for bus have cut down... but the waiting time is still so long...

I wake up early wanted to reach office early but ended up i reach office abt 8.30am. I am only abt 15mins early only.... usually i reach bugis abt 8.15am. What the point of waking up at 6am+ ended i reach office only 15mins early. Really very angry about this kind of bus service they are providing....

Best Seat in the House by Bonnie Kidder, Lafayette, Louisiana

I almost hadn't come to the class at church that night. With four kids and a full-time teaching job, I had plenty to do.

But my 11-year-old son, Brady, was having surgery the next day. I hated to think of him alone in the operating room. I'd been praying for weeks, asking God to be with Brady and his doctors during surgery, but it didn't feel like enough.

Standing in the doorway of the church hall I couldn't believe how many people had showed up for this class. It looked like more than a hundred were seated at the tables scattered throughout the hall-but not a familiar face among them.

No one I can ask to pray with me for Brady. I sat down at a table next to a dark-haired man, but the instructor immediately asked us to move.

"Let's fill in all these vacant chairs up front," she said. The dark-haired man got up to look for another seat. I crossed the room to an empty chair. But just as I got there, someone else took it. I spotted another chair at the next table. The same thing happened again. And again.

I did not come here for a game of musical chairs, I thought as I made a beeline for another chair. I flung myself into it and turned to see...the same dark-haired man I'd left behind.

"We meet again," he said as the instructor stood to speak.

"Tonight I thought we'd talk about our lives outside of church," she said. "Everybody share with the people at your table how you work your faith into your daily life."

The dark-haired man said, "I'm an anesthesiologist. Before I put a patient under, I pray for him. I ask each patient if they'd like to pray too. I used to be embarrassed about this..."

"I think it's wonderful!" I interrupted. "My son is having surgery tomorrow. I'd feel so much better if his doctor could pray with him."

"Where is his surgery?" he asked.

I mentioned the hospital. "Dr. Duplechain is doing the operation."

"Then I can assure you that your son will be surrounded by prayer," he said, "because I'm the one scheduled to be taking him into the operating room."

In a room full of strangers, God had seated me - twice! - next to the one man who could pray with me tonight and my son in the morning.

This story first appeared in Guideposts magazine.

flu again

I been having slight flu since Monday morning. sad... recently i keep having flu. This is the third or 4 times having flu within 3months plus.

My body are getting weaker... if not why my flu keep coming back... i really hate the block nose i been feeling sleepy all the time this week.

Punggol residences Q number relased

My Q number is 03517 and we won’t get it. Haiz.... resale flat so expensive, new HDB is never my luck.... no need to get flat liao...... =(

Will try my luck again to apply Apply spectral. Buy new hdb flat is like buying toto.... if u dont have luck, u will never be able to get house to get married. this is the current situation we are facing....

$$$ HDB

许丽卿 (2009-09-06)


  弃车购房抗通胀,是明智作法。通胀是你的资产最大敌人,它会逐步蚕食资金的购买力,尤其是现在各国以不同手段刺激经济,有些国家拼命印 钞票,结果造成通胀问题加剧,俨如埋下一颗计时炸弹。要对抗通胀,最佳办法是投资一些随通胀上升的资产,例如房地产。购房抗通胀,本来就是正常的心态,可 是,抢购房子就很不健康了。



  政府一再强调,组屋价格再怎么涨,也一定是人民负担得起的。怎么样的价格才是人民负担得起的呢?一般的看法是:每月所付银行贷款不超过 家庭收入的30%,就算是负担得起。我想,应该接受一个事实,就是当然有部分新加坡人负担得起,但对一般工友而言,不断上涨的组屋价格仍然是遥不可及的 “天价”。


  70年代,大巴窑一间三房式组屋的价格大约8000元,当时大学毕业生的平均薪水是1000元,房价是薪水的8倍。80年代,宏茂桥一 间三房式组屋价约4万元,当时大学毕业生的平均薪水是1600元,房价是薪水的25倍。当时价格便宜的一个最大原因是组屋贷款还未“市场化”,价格被人为 压抑。现在,市场化后,宏茂桥一间新的三房式组屋转售价就要27万元,而目前大学毕业生的平均薪水是2700元,房价是薪水的100倍。

  从这些数据得出的结论是,组屋价格飙涨30倍的同时,大学毕业生的平均薪水只涨2.7倍。薪水再怎么涨也追不上有如火箭般涨势的组 屋价格。这也证明了,父母担心孩子将来买不起组屋的想法是有理的。最近新私宅出现抢购热,其中大部分的“抢手”就是这类父母,当中有些是手中握有现金的, 也有些是省吃俭用的好父母,他们希望趁今年通胀还未完全浮现时,赶快出手为孩子“抢”一间。


  照买家这种“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”的抢购心态看,本地私宅价格继续攀升是毋庸置疑。尽管泡沫论不绝于耳,但私宅价格预计将继续上涨,前 天,有个发展商就说,私宅价格还会再涨5%至15%,他认为这是合理的涨幅,如果涨幅达到30%,就算不合理。炒卖“楼花”现象屡见不鲜,不管你承不承认 市场已出现炒作,本地房市似乎已进入一个不理性的境界,还管他合不合理?  最近公布的一些乐观经济数据,或许会更加壮大投机者的胆子。例如美国正在逐渐 摆脱经济衰退、8月份美国的消费者信心指数达54.1,比7月份高了6.7,超出市场的预期,创下5月以来的新高。在本地,新加坡经济今年将萎缩 3.6%,这远小于之前经济师预估的萎缩6.5%,以及贸工部预估的萎缩4%至6%。

  高烧不退的房市,已开始将病菌传染给集体出售活动。上一轮制造无数“百万”富翁的集体出售,近日开始出现“感冒”症状,马林百列中 等入息公寓礁湖园(Laguna Park)上周推出市场集体求售,要价至少12亿元。有发展商批评,屋主受火热市场刺激,胃口大开,以为每个新私宅单位都可卖到120万到130万元,所 以开出“天价”。如果按照12亿元的要价计算成本,新公寓的最终尺价可达1500元至1600元,而这个尺价在该地段是毫无吸引力的。这样的分析是有道 理,但是,纵观近期买家毫无理性的抢购举动来看,再一次出现毫无理性的抢购也不足为奇。  

  “天价”是怎么来的?是以未来的经济趋势、未来的发展计划、未来的需求等等很多未来因素定下来的。也就是说,人们一厢情愿的幻想这 种种未来都会实现,所以才会毫无理性地愿以高价购买未来。购买房地产本来就是长期投资,靠贷款来作短期投机,必须面对一定风险,万一你对未来的美好幻想破 灭,只好自食其果。香港艺人钟镇涛借巨款“炒楼”炒到破产就是一个活生生的例子。他在1997年亚洲金融危机前,向银行贷款1.54亿港元,“炒买”几个 豪宅项目,没想到金融危机出现,香港楼市崩溃,他所购买的项目大幅度贬值,债权人即使没收房产,仍无法还清债务,落得破产下场。



Back to office

Wah today weather are so good. how i wish i could sleep the whole day. The best weather to stay in bed... but too bad, need to go to work.

Today back to office then heard from co-li that yesterday after the light went out in and the switch got a black burn. so scary.....

Cat got knocked by car

Today on the way to work, saw a cat laying at the traffic junction. It was knocked by a car, on the road there are still fresh blood of the cat.

Passer-by just stared at the cat. Cow forget to bring his mobile phone, therefore I company him to get it. If not i will not witness it.

On the way down from flat, I dial 100 to get SPCA contact no. I wish to stay with the cat but i was already late for work. Therefore I didnt wait for the SPCA ppl to reach.

When they reach the accident area, they can't find the cat. The person told me, maybe the cat was dead, therefore people have clear it bodies. I am sad when i heard it. I know that the cat was very badly injure when i leave the accident place. I just hope the person stay with the cat, buried the cat body and not throw it in open space. A sad day to began.