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Your 3-step Action Plan for Success in Xooma

Follow the 3 action steps below and position yourself to earn the most money possible in your Xooma business this month!

Step 1: Monthly autoship order at least $100 in personal product volume, in order to be eligible for commissions from the lucrative Rapid Reward Pay Plan you'll want to move (use, sell, or sample)

Step 2: Sponsor at least 4 people.
With just 4 active Members personally sponsored and only $150 per month in personal product volume, you automatically become eligible for virtually ALL bonuses and commissions available to you through Xooma's Compensation Plan. (Remember...the more people you sponsor, the faster your business will grow.)

Step 3: Duplicate your efforts.
If the Members of your Xooma Team simply duplicate steps 1 & 2 (above) on a monthly basis, your business and income will grow at an exponential rate. (Massive duplication = massive results.)

This proven 3-step action plan has the power to dramatically increase your income in your Xooma business. So, if you're not following this plan yet, we encourage you to start at "Step 1" today and complete steps 2 & 3 as fast as you can.

Working hard to make it easy for you succeed!
Click here for more details