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The Gymnasium Of The Soul (2)

Train yourself to be Godly. - 1 Timothy 4:7 NIV

Godliness was central to Paul's advice to Timothy. Go ahead, try askingyour friends what they think "Godliness" means. They see a monk removedfrom the world, praying, meditating and humming hymns behind monastery walls. Others see squeaky-clean, Bible-toting do-gooders, na*ve,moralistic, annoyingly innocent. Wrong! One scholar defines Godlinessthis way: "Not just outward worship, nor a mere concept of God, nor avirtue, nor an ideal over against a Gnostic philosophy ofself-deprivation that regards creation as bad. True Godliness that's bornof faith covers everyday conduct in honouring God as Creator andRedeemer."

Some well-meaning people seem to think that becoming like Christ meansthat we should strive to be perfect. For them, Spiritual disciplines arelike push-ups and sit-ups, religious exercises to beat their bodies and minds into submission. This is more Gnostic than Christian. If you justwant to have control over your lusts or become more serene, anymeditative religion will do.

What sets Christianity apart from other religions is knowing and becoming like Christ is our goal: not moral perfection (although you will grow incharacter), not tranquillity (although your life will become remarkablymore peaceful). Because of the grace we have in Christ, the disciplines will do nothing to make us more accepted by the Father, since Jesus hasalready done it all for us. No, a "Godly" person is one who ceases to beself-centred in order to become Christ-centred. Christ became a man, and as a result of His earthly ministry we see how God intended for us tolive. Jesus is our unblemished example of Godliness. Therefore, being"Godly," simply means becoming more Christ-like.

Bible-in-a-year Reading: Is 22- 25, Luke 1:67- 80, Ps 42:6- 11, Pr1:28-31