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the book i reading

When God writes Your Love Story by Eric & Leslie Ludy
This book was given to me by xiao ying as a Xmas gift. Been reading the book for so long still havent finish. it not tat the book is not nice, but i got no time to read. Even in the morning, i cant really concentrated reading, tired man!!!

Anyway back to the book i was reading, i like this chapter on Holifing out got a higher standard do noble knights and fair maidens really exists?
A question alway ask by people: What is the main qualities you've always wanted in a man?

I guess most girl have the same answer as the author of the book. Wish to want someone who treat ourself like a princess, someone who is sensitive, tender, gentle, brave, full of integrity, servant hearted, and honorable just to name a few. A prince charming.

Who we can find that have all this perfect character? It Jesus Christ. In the book, it meaning that those desires for that kind of man have been in out heart froma a young age. But we are not the one who came up with those longings. It was God who out them in our heart, because He wants us to look for a man with the character of Jesus Christ.

Wow!!! We gals need a knight in shining armor. I really love that section of the books till now. I still left 1/4 of the book to be complete.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.(NIV)