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Just sent out an application form

just manage to key all my poly result...didnt know i took so many modules.... Hope someone will be able to call me up for interview. Now i got 2 reply, to ask me to fill up their internal application form. Hope there will be some good news coming along the way. tired....need to sleep....

falling asleep...

really cannot control since eye will auto close...n my eye also feel vy pain...maybe i trying to force my eye to be open...donnoe why sudden body, so tired...i hate this feeling... specially, i know i cant even have proper rest...

then today all the job request are so admin... like replace all the email address.... cause there a change in mail server name... then the mailing list so long.... took me the whole morning to edit it... still have few more server to check.... sianz.....Zzzzzzzzzzz


today i really feel supper tired.... but i still need to go to work... yday night, actually was planning to try to do coming wed lab, but my aunty come and find me and talk to me, but she left close to 11pm. after she left, bath and settle down... i have no more energy to do anything...

wake up in the morning feeling so restless... but there are tons of stuff to do... how can i complete. haiz... all thing just keep pile up... and i getting more n more tired each day pass by...even if i try to stay up to study also no use, cause my mind are not function at all. how can i do so many thing at one day....................

My plant have grow taller

Today come back to office, the leaf not only grow bigger but taller as well. =) I am thinking should I cut away the parent leaf, cause the leaf under it have no space to grow taller. hmm....

another wk have past

wah time pass so quickly... one wk pass again... already 3 wk school start... i havent done anything yet... but everyday so bz.... by the time i back htm, my mind cant even think... how can this go on like tat....haiz...

Already tender

Finally, i hand in my tender letter.... Manager try to ask to rethink abt my decision. After some talk, he respect my decision. Feel bad, tendering... as all the co-li all treat my vy nice and i show will miss all of them.
It just tat work standby and studies, i can only pick one. I have choosen studies. Actually working like that have cause my health to be vy weak. therefore i feel it still not worth it.

birthday card

Last night, just remember my co-li birthday on the coming sunday. Havent made birthday card for her. Rush out a new design birthday card for her. Hope she will like the design i created for her. =)

Anyone like the design... i will be selling this design...hehe @my estore

raining day

Today reach office vy late...close to 9:20am... after i reach office, settle down, went downstair to have breakfast. Outside the lift, saw my manager. oh oh...

donnoe why, recently i keep craving for chocolate.... i want to eat chocolate..... recently put on a lot of weight liao.... cannot be like that... keep eating so many sweet food. Must control...

Hope later, when i going to school, it will not be raining.... the whole day, like keep rainning... so cold at office.

just check my statement, finally after 2yr+ of repaying my poly school fees, i have complete paying to my dad. waiting for this day for so long... hehe...

disturb by sms alert

actually vy tired, eye closing but stupid sms alert wake me up... scare by the thought of having issue on my system... login in the system, it keep restarting... don remember other team is calling outage tonight... look through the email. didnt find the email stating tonight got outage... but check e other system of mine, it was in maintance mode... Haiz.... bz checking for nothing.... it also mean i have to bear with the sms till morning.... cause every 5mins there will be one sms alert... how to sleep well.... =(

tired tired

Dont know why.., i feel so tired...eye vy heavy... just finish upload a contact page for my personal site. =)

This morning lucky i check my lab schedule, if not i will went to school... and find that i all alone..hehe... Therefore have a chance to meet cow for dinner.

Today, my stomach see to refuse to work... not able to digest food...feel so full... since afternoon. Eye closing...nothing much i can do...therefore i going to bed...night night... tml going to be another long day for me. after work, still need to go to school. friday also the same... needed more time to sleep....

New layout for

Finally upload new layout for my personal site. hehe.... But the hosting still havent refresh my new layout is still not out. =)

hand aching....

I think i really need to workout....cause on sunday, i play a short while of tennis, my right hand are aching.... i never really use a lot of strength. Just finish apply the cream. hope by tml, it will be gone. This morning, when i wake up, i am not tired but now i feeling so sleepy... oh no.... how i wish today got no lesson... but haiz... this week, i need to go school for 4 days. really tired...

I have completed my new site but i donnoe if i have the energy to upload later in the night after my class.

Photos of trip to Malaysia CyberView

My violet plant new home

Just manage to change my violet to a new home.... Hope it able to grow faster and stronger. The parent leaf as compare to last week, it have become slightly soft. I think by next week, i have to cut away the parent leaf.

Back to work tomorrow!!!

So fast, the holiday are over....need to be back in office tomorrow. actually today wanted to do a lot of stuff, ended only manage to cut trim my hair.

Didnt manage to deliver the cards my god brother order cause he was busy at work today. Didnt meet up with my co-li cause she couldnt make. therefore i didnt mange to get the card making material.

new flower pot

Today went to bought a small pot for my office plant. Cant wait to see my plant tomorrow. Wonder if the leave have grow bigger and more small leaves have appear. ;P It been 4days plus never see my plant. cant wait to transplant it to a new home.

A short retreat at Malaysia

Took time off on friday, went to malaysia with cow and his friends....the place we staying are really very nice. I enjoy myself very much. =)

The hotel is vy nice, and most impotant it not crowded... Not like local. everywhere u go, are ppl n ppl. Today went to KL time sq to shop and bought a few items. =)

Going to change my personal site

My personal site: soon will change it appearance. I have design a template. Still trying to change some of the detail part of the design. Hope i able to up at least the front page by next wk.

the book i reading

When God writes Your Love Story by Eric & Leslie Ludy
This book was given to me by xiao ying as a Xmas gift. Been reading the book for so long still havent finish. it not tat the book is not nice, but i got no time to read. Even in the morning, i cant really concentrated reading, tired man!!!

Anyway back to the book i was reading, i like this chapter on Holifing out got a higher standard do noble knights and fair maidens really exists?
A question alway ask by people: What is the main qualities you've always wanted in a man?

I guess most girl have the same answer as the author of the book. Wish to want someone who treat ourself like a princess, someone who is sensitive, tender, gentle, brave, full of integrity, servant hearted, and honorable just to name a few. A prince charming.

Who we can find that have all this perfect character? It Jesus Christ. In the book, it meaning that those desires for that kind of man have been in out heart froma a young age. But we are not the one who came up with those longings. It was God who out them in our heart, because He wants us to look for a man with the character of Jesus Christ.

Wow!!! We gals need a knight in shining armor. I really love that section of the books till now. I still left 1/4 of the book to be complete.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.(NIV)

My plant need to get new pot

Looking at my plant today, i think it need a new house. =) donnoe if i can happen to pass and buy a small white pot for it... Don think this week i able to get it. have to wait till next wk or so.
Maybe try to get it on monday, as i also took time-off. hehe

oh no....not again....

oh no... not again.... device faulty.... i might need to do another outage to change the part... hope after hp engr investigation, let it be tape drive faulty n not the card spoilt.....

The Gymnasium Of The Soul (2)

Train yourself to be Godly. - 1 Timothy 4:7 NIV

Godliness was central to Paul's advice to Timothy. Go ahead, try askingyour friends what they think "Godliness" means. They see a monk removedfrom the world, praying, meditating and humming hymns behind monastery walls. Others see squeaky-clean, Bible-toting do-gooders, na*ve,moralistic, annoyingly innocent. Wrong! One scholar defines Godlinessthis way: "Not just outward worship, nor a mere concept of God, nor avirtue, nor an ideal over against a Gnostic philosophy ofself-deprivation that regards creation as bad. True Godliness that's bornof faith covers everyday conduct in honouring God as Creator andRedeemer."

Some well-meaning people seem to think that becoming like Christ meansthat we should strive to be perfect. For them, Spiritual disciplines arelike push-ups and sit-ups, religious exercises to beat their bodies and minds into submission. This is more Gnostic than Christian. If you justwant to have control over your lusts or become more serene, anymeditative religion will do.

What sets Christianity apart from other religions is knowing and becoming like Christ is our goal: not moral perfection (although you will grow incharacter), not tranquillity (although your life will become remarkablymore peaceful). Because of the grace we have in Christ, the disciplines will do nothing to make us more accepted by the Father, since Jesus hasalready done it all for us. No, a "Godly" person is one who ceases to beself-centred in order to become Christ-centred. Christ became a man, and as a result of His earthly ministry we see how God intended for us tolive. Jesus is our unblemished example of Godliness. Therefore, being"Godly," simply means becoming more Christ-like.

Bible-in-a-year Reading: Is 22- 25, Luke 1:67- 80, Ps 42:6- 11, Pr1:28-31

The Gymnasium Of The Soul (1)

Training yourself for spiritual fitness. - 1 Timothy 4:7 NLT

When Dallas Cowboys' coach, Tom Landry, was asked how to build a winningteam he said: "My job is to get men to do what they don't want to do, inorder to achieve what they've always wanted to achieve." What did thosefootball players want to achieve? Victory at the Super Bowl. What did they not want to do? The hard work necessary to get there!

Achieving greatness requires discipline - determined, deliberate, daily,definable actions with a clear goal in mind. Paul coached Timothy,saying: "Spend your time and energy in training yourself for Spiritual fitness." Timothy was the Pastor of the Church in Ephesus, a Las Vegassort of city. It was a busy, rich, sensual place to be a Christian. Paulknew that succeeding there wouldn't be easy, so he used the Greek term from which we get our word gymnasium. In other words, becomingChrist-like requires a daily workout. So Paul writes, "Training yourselffor Spiritual fitness." Notice two words: (1) Training - which calls for repetitive exercises so that your mind and appropriate muscle groups worktogether reflexively and automatically. It combines endurance and skill.It's what turns game-winning abilities into habits. (2) Yourself - Nobody else can do it for you. Look through the telephone directory; you don'tfind "Lease-a-Dieter," or "Rent-a-Runner." No, it's up to you!

So, why train yourself? To become like Christ! By living life as He lived it, allowing the Holy Spirit to shape you by His disciplines from theinside out, you'll become more like Him. In other words, spend time eachday in the gymnasium of the soul.

Bible-in-a-year Reading: Eccl 11:7- 12:1, Acts 9:1- 25

Just sent out one job application out

Just manage to sent out one job application. Hope i will be able be selected for an interview. =)

I still donnoe how to break the news to my manager but i noe no matter what i need to let him know. Lastest by next week i need to inform him.

Sleepy head

for the past week, i not able to sleep early.... so sad... i miss my bed but cant sleep.... every morning wake up feel so restless.... hope i able to rest more at my bed... my eye bags are so dark... Really looking forward to friday.... i took time off on that day and coming monday. still not sure if i will be going to malaysia but i looking forward of sleeping till mid day... it seem like a long time i never sleep for long. even weekend, also rushing from one place to another.
So happy, this week no need to go to the office at bedok. i so scare my i will get allergy. my skin are sentive to dust. i think i should be able to delay another wk or so.

1st Anniversary 15th Jan 2007

Yesterday, i put the card in the DIY wooden house i give cow last yr. He didnt realise i put a card at there till i mention to him to search at his house.

Really hopping that he would see it, without me telling...but i also know, i need to tell him. he will not realise it.

XiaoYing Birthday Card

On Sunday, we just help xiao ying to celebrate her birthday during our cg. I bought a happy birthday candles for her to blow. =) Hope she like the card i made for her. Still havent get her present, wonder what to get for her. hmm......

Update My plants

there are so many big leave and healthy and a few more small leaves have appear. ;)

Wise Words

Sick again....

Just finish seeing doctor. I having cold, fever n sore throat. Doctor giving me antibiotic because my sore throat was vy red and swollen. I do feel my throat slight pain n my voice a bit , didnt know it look tat bad. anyway, i was given 2 day mc to rest. I was really tired n needed rest.

Cow new year card

cow new year card is still with me, forget to bring the card out again. Lucky is cow have see the card, just tat he never bring e card home e other day cause he scare he will dirty the card as he never bring any bag. He will have more cards coming along the way.... hehe....

DIY cards all sold.

This is the few design i created for CNY and 1 V-day card. Total 6 cards all sold out. =)

Now i thinking of created somemore birthday card to sell. ;) Hope i able to put in sometime to do it. Do feedback to me about my work pieces.

Just finish outage.

nearly 5am. i just finish closing my outage. so hungry.... now i so awake, cant sleep, cause i drink a cup of coffee during the outage window. If not i cant perform my work. 2 siong outage, at one go, my health cant really take it...

Now i having block nose, sore throat n body aching. Hope tml when i wake i will feel much better. sianz, tml night have lesson cant stay at home whole day.

Didnt meet up with my god brother

Didnt meet up with my god brother, david cause he was call back to work. Suppose to arrange to meet up for lunch because his birthday fall on the 11th Jan. Then i feel so tired, therefore not going to his work place to meet him up.

Even i never go out, i already started to receive phone calls and email related to work. Which i currently are looking it. Manage to reply one of my co-li on technical question on my server. Now waiting for reply from another co-li which is the services that are not running. I supspect it due to yesterday outage, if not it have not been running for a long time. headache, a problem have no head and tail.

outage night

on the early 9th Jan morning, i receive harddisk sms alert. After a bz day, i just finish outage on 10th midnight. Took about 2hour, which is less than want i expected. i estimate the sync data will took at less 3hr or more. i guess it must be the housekeep we did last wk. lucky man. After the outage at the office, i rush home, to do verify of all the server services, as there are network outage at the same day. Just sent email out, outage finally over....

Then tml night, there will be another outage. 2night in a row. really siong n i feeling tired n still need to take bath. haiz....

Time flies

wah so fast, i have pass the first wk of the new year and today is my first day back to school. more free time, going back to my upside down life more personal time to do what i like... everything will be rush rush n rush....when then i able to break this life cycle....

Didnt really do much over the weekend. Sat went to get a new hp(K800i) n a new hp line. so happy with my new toys...hehe... manage to inform all my friends, on sunday evening. still not familiar with my new phone. Will took me sometime to get the hang of it ;p

Sunday went to catch a movie, Night at the museum. All my friends said must watch, it a funny show. When i watch, i was a bit disappointed, it was not as funny as i expected it to be. maybe my expectation are too high.

My plant look so green and health

My plant leave have grow bigger and appear very green and healthy. ;)

Maybe another week or so, i able to remove the parent leave and the plant able to survice on it own.

Is there a shark lacking somewhere in your life?

The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went further than ever. The further the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste.

To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive.

Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish.

So how did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? How do they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan? If you were consulting the fish industry, what would you recommend?

As soon as you reach your goals, such as finding a wonderful mate, starting a successful company, paying off your debts or whatever, you might lose your passion. You don't need to work so hard so you relax. You experience the same problem as lottery winners who waste their money, wealthy heirs who never grow up and bored homemakers who get addicted to prescription drugs.

Like the Japanese fish problem, the best solution is simple. It was observed by L. Ron Hubbard in the early 1950's . "Man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment." - L. Ron Hubbard.

The Benefits of a Challenge: The more intelligent, persistent and competent you are, the more you enjoy a good problem. If your challenges are the correct size, and if you are steadily conquering those challenges, you are happy. You think of your challenges and get energized. You are excited to try new solutions. You have fun. You are alive!

How Japanese Fish Stay Fresh: To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks. But now they add a small shark to each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are challenged.

Recommendations: Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them. Beat the heck out of them. Enjoy the game. If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Failing makes you tired. Instead, reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help.

If you have met your goals, set some bigger goals. Once you meet your personal or family needs, move onto goals for your group, the society, even mankind. Don't create success and lie in it. You have resources, skills and abilities to make a difference."

So, put a shark in your tank and see how far you can really go!

Mine Africian violet

Take a look at all the past photos of My African violet@office. ;p

My plants have grow bigger

It been a few days i never see my office plants due to the long holiday.... the leave have grow bigger and it look healthy to me... cant wait for it to grow bigger and tranplant to a bigger pot, and wait for it to produce flowers... hehe... wonder wat color will the flower to be....

end of long weekend holiday

For the past 2 days, went shopping with my mum. she so happy, everyday asking to go to different shopping centre. Yesterday went vivo city, today went parkway. I walk till my leg are so chance of taking afternoon nap...

Today donnoe why, having headache when i on my way back home... after i reach home, manage to complete a CNY card, i did a pair of cute pig...n another bai nian couple but the 2 card havent finish cause short of chinese greeting words. Will think of way to write it on the cards. 2 down, 3 more to go. =)

Finally complete 1 V-day card

i think i really lucky, cause when i mention i wish to create my own DIY cards to sell...n my childhood friend, also like my god brother without even thinking, order 7cards from me. without even seeing my design... i think i cant be complaining too much...

whenever i need help n support, there are always ppl around me... i not sure can i make it a not but i going to give it a try... remember to take a look at my site soon... will update when i have create enough design cards. =)

Tml, i will be staying at home and try to create more cards that my god brother had place order. Hope i will be able to create cards that able to make the his standard.

1st day of 2007

This year very special, during the last day of 2006, cow and i went to east coast park to countdown.... without a big group of friends, just the 2 of us... everything feel so loving... ended the year 2006 in a nice n cosy feeling....n see the fireworks at the beach, the fireworks really very nice....i really enjoy it. it just that fireworks, are so nice but shortlife....

maybe it because there are so many thing happen in the year 2006. there are so many things happen that are beyond my control... trying n learning to due with my emotion. hope i able to do a better job this year....

Hope there will be something new, exciting events coming in 2007....hope the coming year, i will be a more cheerful gal. More things for me to look forward to....