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Trip & fall down at home

Yesterday night, i am very tired..about 9pm+ i fall asleep at my parents room. about 11+, I walk back to my room rest awhile, went to kitchen to wash up. just when i about to go toilet at my parents room, i didn't realise that my mum was sleeping at the floor... there was no light too... i trip over my mum and fall down...

it happen so fast i didn't know what happen, i am already on the floor... i feel the pain on my elbow but i try to bear the pain... as my dad scold my mum.... i don't want them to quarrel because of me...

I quickly walk back to my room... but the pain was so bad, tears roll down my cheeks... cheong wee wanted to help me apply medicine on my hand, as i had a cut. then he realise that i keep holding my right hand.... there are bit swollen, he scare that i might have bone crack, he suggest going to hospital....

just when i about to leave the house, i began to see star.... then my face went white and i faint for awhile.... i only hear my mum n cheong wee voice... they were so scare.. cheong wee quickly call for ambulance... then when i begin to open my eyes... i vomited.... i vomit all over the floor and my skirt.....

When i reach hospital, when i took the first set of x-ray... doctor saw a crack on the elbow, he ask me to take another set of x-ray, lucky second set of x-ray confirm there are no crack... so i able to go home... by the time i reach home and settle down was already 4am+ in the morning. Doctor gave me 2 days mc.. only muscle pull... my right hand cant really use much strength... the muscle pull have spread to my left hand too when i wake up this morning... when i try to raise my right hand straight i will feel the pain... hope the pain n swollen will go off soon.