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Play badminton on sunday

Yday, manage to play badminton with Zhiming, ping jie, pat, elise, yixin, mark & cheong wee. had a fun time together. keke... sweat a lot and i feel a bit of aching when i wake up this morning.

Hope we able to have more regular session but it really hard to book the court. It really great to go out with friends that i noe for so long. 20yrs. hehe...

yday nite finally, i can sleep better and my voice are not so sore liao. My friend, zhiming are so gd, know my voice sore, offer to help me buy chinese herb and help me boil and pass it to me tonight. This is what i called my real friends, they always there whenever i need them around. :) I didn't really cough whole nite throughout. for the past 1wk, i cant go into deep sleep...keep coughing n coughing, specially at nite =)