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Day after night job

On the 27th May 09 morning was back to work. after work about 3am+, went to meet another co-li who is doing working at another venue.

After meet up, we went to eat prata. by the time i reach home was about 5am. Compiled all the test cases and sent out email. By the time i went to bed was after 7am. Wake up around noon time, watch a bit of online drama, about 4pm sleep all the way till 6pm. Read and replay a bit of email, ate dinner, the day was almost complete... i have wasted another day in my life doing nothing.

This morning wake up, till feeling the tiredness on my eye lid. I think i will be feeling this for the rest of the week... No matter what, tonight i need to force myself to do some ICND reading, as the coming sat, there will be a revision (51 qn), next sat will be the actual final online quiz for the term1. Till now i havent really start doing my revision at all. blur blur on what was being taught from chapter 1 ~ 12.