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Importance of pH

VIBRANT HEALTH Starts With pH Balance!

Your body is really no different than many other living bodies:

  • Fish need the water that they swim in to be the correct pH - or they get sick and die.

  • Plants need the pH of the soil in which they live to be perfect in order to flourish.

  • Even good old Planet Earth needs balance...the balance between ALKALINE oxygen and ACIDIC carbon dioxide. And we all know what excess carbon dioxide emissions (imbalance) can do to the planet.

We welcome you to discover how your body's pH level impacts your overall health. We also wish to help you rediscover what we at Xooma call VIBRANT HEALTH.

When you think of the word "Health", what comes to mind?

Some would consider themselves "Healthy" if they were simply free from weight issues, digestive problems, aches and pains, or had more energy. At Xooma, we strive to help people discover the kind of health that is far greater than simply not being ill.

VIBRANT HEALTH actually donates and adds value to the rest of your life. It means that you have excess energy, a clear mind, a radiant glow, and a body that operates in a peak state.

Here's why pH Balance is so core to your health...and your life:

Because LIFE only exists where there's balance, and your body is totally regulated by pH!

Even though you are designed to operate in an alkaline state, your cells must produce acid in order to function. Optimal health...LIFE...can be found when those two forces are in balance.

When your body moves out of balance, LIFE takes a back seat.

Ultimately, when you discover pH Balance and get your body into this optimal state, you'll set the ENVIRONMENT for the 50 trillion cells that make up your body to thrive. Your skin cells will thrive, your blood cells will thrive, your muscle cells will thrive, your bone cells will thrive, your brain cells will thrive and on and on.

VIBRANT CELLS are the building blocks of a VIBRANT BODY and VIBRANT HEALTH...

and it ALL starts with pH Balance!

Forget counting calories, fat grams, and cholesterol. Forget blood pressure, blood sugar, and hormone levels. The single most important health measurement is the pH level in your blood. Now unlock the surprisingly crucial role of your pH balance. How acidic or alkaline your blood is (pH levels) directly affects your health. For example, if the blood becomes overly acidic it can lead to weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more.

Science proves that fish in our oceans and lakes can only survive in properly balanced environments; trees in our forests can only grow in properly balanced soils; and people can only stay healthy if the body has a balance between its levels of ACID and ALKALINE

What is Acid/alkaline balance anyway?

acid/alkaline balance is all about what minerals stores, or "buffers" we have in our body. Too much acid and certain symptoms begin to appear.

Bob Livingston, Natural Health author summarizes the whole point well. He says:

“It is now believed by many authorities that most disease develops because of a lowering of the function and resistance of the body due to chronic acidosis. In this connection, Dr. George W. Crile, past head of the Crile Clinic in Cleveland and a world renown surgeons says, ‘There is no natural death. All deaths from so-called natural causes are merely the end-point of a progressive acid saturation.’

Acidosis precedes and provokes disease. The well body succumbs to physical disorders when its own acid debris accumulates to the point where resistance is broken down and the body consequently becomes suceptible to cold, fatigue, nerve exhaustion and degenrative disease.

When the body reaches limits of increasing toxins within the body, the digestive tract, or any of the body tissues, it begins a house-cleaning process that takes various forms: diarrhea, headache, colds, skin eruptions, abscesses or boils, rheumatism, inflammation of the eyes or other organs, catarrhs, chills, fevers, or anything that we recognize as acute disease. But all these spring from a common originating cause, an accumulation of acid waste in the body.”

(From: Foods That Alkalinize And Heal, by Mary C. Hogle.)

It is the minerals left in the body after consuming food that make up our balance, and therefore our ability to operate at maximum effeciency. It's like a car having good oil, but it sure can't fulfill its function for if we have poor quality or acidic corrosive oil!

A seven-year study conducted at the University of Califor­nia, San Francisco, on 9,000 women showed that those who have chronic acidosis are at great­er risk for bone loss than those who have normal pH levels. Sci­entists who carried out this experiment believe that many of the hip fractures prevalent among middle-aged women are connected to high acidity caused by a diet rich in animal foods and low in vegetables. This is because the body borrows calcium from the bones in order to balance pH. — Ameri­can Journal of Clinical Nutrition

There is an abundance of information available on the important role acid/alkaline balance plays in our health.

We at Xooma hold the simple yet ground breaking solution X2O.

X2O is cost effective, portable,convenient and complementary to all other wellness products.

Once people understand the power of X2O they will never want to drink anything else!

X2O penetrates many markets:

  • Wellness
  • Sickness
  • Weight loss
  • Bottled water
  • Sports & fitness
  • Anti aging
It’s up to all of us to share X2O with the people we come in contact with each day.
We can make a difference