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3 days alone at office

Today is my 3rd day alone without any MSO around.... all of them either on studies leave or go oversea for holiday. Actually, i already mentally prepare this few days will be a hell for me. Funny things, everything turn out all out. keke.... i thought i will be mad rushing for stuffs but to my surprise, i can still do my own planning of my work. only monday n today, i am more bz as i need to do events during lunch time.

tml at least one of the MSO will be back. At least i will not be so bored. keke.... lunch time at least able to go outside packed food.

Today, my yellow guppy died.... so sad.... this morning i already noticed, something is not wrong with it. when i back from the event and lunch around 4pm+, it died. now my small tank only left with 2 guppies.