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sleepy day

haiz...yday was suppose to study, ended up i was sleeping.... my eye were vy dry and pain. i keep sleeping n sleeping till the next day. wasted another day to study. =(

Things That Make Life Easier... Or Not


Smart cup in which you can put 2-3 of your favourite cookies. You don't need extra plates. It's made for right handed and left handed.

The Paper Airplane Movie
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrow keeps you Human,
Failure Keeps you humble and
Success keeps you glowing, but only
Faith & Attitude Keeps you going...*

When They Saw The Star They Were Over-Joyed

This is the figure i just saw from the precious moment website. I like this figure. This figure is call "When They Saw The Start They Were Over-Joyed" How you find this figure?

Give Thanks

Jingzhi wedding gift

On 18th Nov 2007, was my best friend wedding. =) This is the gift i prepare for her. I did a diy card for her. Hope she will like it. Will find a chance to ask her. =) During the whole wedding dinner, i forget to take a photo with jingzhi. hehe....

Today is also a chance of meeting up with one of my sec classmate, jinhan. it been a long time we have see each other... During the whole dinner, we manage to do a lot of catch up... keke.... hope i will be able to contact more n more of my long time friends. This yr is the yr of meeting up with my friends. keke.... at the end of the mth, i will be meeting up with my friend. She will be staying over at my place for one night. As she will just stay over in sg for one day before she heading back to her country. Another day of catch up. keke.
Just upload this photo on my notebook. keke.... this photo was taken few wk back. A gathering surprise birthday celebration for bingsoon. This photo was taken just before we go off.

3 days alone at office

Today is my 3rd day alone without any MSO around.... all of them either on studies leave or go oversea for holiday. Actually, i already mentally prepare this few days will be a hell for me. Funny things, everything turn out all out. keke.... i thought i will be mad rushing for stuffs but to my surprise, i can still do my own planning of my work. only monday n today, i am more bz as i need to do events during lunch time.

tml at least one of the MSO will be back. At least i will not be so bored. keke.... lunch time at least able to go outside packed food.

Today, my yellow guppy died.... so sad.... this morning i already noticed, something is not wrong with it. when i back from the event and lunch around 4pm+, it died. now my small tank only left with 2 guppies.
Long time never write in my blog..... Recently a lot things happening in my life. There is up and down.... happy and unhappy stuffs. I think overall I managed to handle petty all rite :) Just hope from now onwards, it will be more smooth n stable in my life.
Live in each season as it passes;
breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit
. . . and be thankful.

--Henry David Thoreau
When God takes something from your grasp,
He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands
to receive something better!

3 new guppies

Today during lunch time, i bought 3 guppies. Today looking at them is so cute, moving here and there. just that the tank is too small. maybe will get a bigger one after my dec paper. =)