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3 Gals gathering for lunch/tea branch

Had a nice time seeing my ex-coli. Before we head for our branch. I meet up my ex-team leader and my ex-reporting engineer. We have a chat before it a 3 gals chatting session.

My ex-team leader have been promoted to AD after I left. He still the same, very hand-on and stay close to working ground mentor. Actually, I really have learn a lot from him. hehe... He like my big brother. I belive if I facing issues, he will still be there to listen and advice me. I am so lucky to know this group of ex-coli which is now my friends in my life. :)

After that 3 gals really can chat from 2pm+ all the way to 5pm. lol we share, complain a lot of things. I do hope to have this kind of gathering more often. hehe... It really is a way of distress and enjoys each other company n support. That day the lunch was too heavy till I skip my dinner. hehe