Theme Preview Rss

Why QT is impt?

- we get deviation to God
It's not a matter of time, but a matter of priorities.

- we get direction from God
We should go to our QT each day out of love for God, not out of sense of duty.

- we gain delight in God
Ask Him to help you soft out the necessary from the unnecessary.
Spend quality time with him
Communicate meaningfully with him
Observe him in a variety of situations
The best way to get to know the Lord is to spend time alone with Him, sharing your thoughts with Him in prayer and reading over and over again the love letter He has written you.

- we grow more like God
sometimes we get so busy... That we forget just to love Him.
It is not a 5sec glimpse of Jesus that changes us, but a constant contemplation of Him over a period of time.