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A flower that brighten my day

Bus stop cat

Heavy rain

Yesterday, Dear n I went to kebangang area to have our dinner.

First, our food didn't serve for a long time.... We keep asking for a few times. They serve our food to the wrong table. The waitress took the food back n walk to the kitchen before coming to our table.

Trying to say it a brand new food. Supper dishonest... I will blacklist this place.... Haiz....

After the meal, it sudden raining very heavily.... We stuck at the coffeeshop for a long time before we able to go home...

Sunday breakfast

Yesterday sleep very late but still wake up at 8:30am. Accompany Dear to have breakfast before he head to Yishun to rehearse for the coming Saturday worship.

This morning breakfast, I like it. It just that the person packing vy slow... 3person but took a long time.

Good Morning

Sunday school teaching

This month, is my second time teaching little children

Why QT is impt?

- we get deviation to God
It's not a matter of time, but a matter of priorities.

- we get direction from God
We should go to our QT each day out of love for God, not out of sense of duty.

- we gain delight in God
Ask Him to help you soft out the necessary from the unnecessary.
Spend quality time with him
Communicate meaningfully with him
Observe him in a variety of situations
The best way to get to know the Lord is to spend time alone with Him, sharing your thoughts with Him in prayer and reading over and over again the love letter He has written you.

- we grow more like God
sometimes we get so busy... That we forget just to love Him.
It is not a 5sec glimpse of Jesus that changes us, but a constant contemplation of Him over a period of time.


Yesterday otw to work... Completed reading the book. This morning started reading the next book call "How to have a Meaningful Quite Time by Rick Warren"

Actually this book I have read long ago but didn't completed it. This time I will make sure I complete it and gain something out of it. I find this book very practical, even non believer also will benefit, if willing to let go and have QT to know what they really need in life :)

Dinner at i12

Yesterday went to i13 for dinner with dear. Waiting very long for him... Recently his working hr getting longer. It really seem like he got endless job... Hmm... Not very healthy.

Therefore I ended up having late dinner again. By the time I reached home is after 10:30pm. Sleep after 1am. It is going to be a tired working day for me. Lucky today is friday. Tonight going to BBQ with my ex co-li.. Donnoe wat time I will b able to rest.

Celebrate my CG leader birthday

Today we went to Blk 202 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 to have dinner after work.

The food was not bad... Not many ppl ok Monday night. This food was very crowded on weekend.

Reading a physical book

It been a long time, I have read a physical book... Recently, I have been reading from my kindle or watching cartoon/Taiwan drama from my iPhone :)

I think by tml I would have completed reading the book. Now only left 1/3. Hehe...

New pair of running shoes

Today went to tampines to buy a new pair of running shoes. Finally able to go jogging after work. Didn't have shoes to go running for a long time...

Farewell dinner yesterday night

Another friend leaving SG soon.. Going back to KL... Recently sudden a lot of familiar faces going back to their country...

Dinner @katong area coffeeshop opp I12

Dinner with Dear... Now after work can reached east area around 7pm+ for dinner. The feeling is great ;)

Sunday school teaching

Today I only have 5 students... I expect to b more... At least the student s enjoys the lesson today.

Birthday day with dear

Yesterday was my birthday, we went to PS for dinner. It was because I need to purchase some items.

We had our dinner at Lao Beijing. The serving seem to be small but I am very full at the end of the meal. Hehe

Dinner @Changi Airport

Today all of went to Changi airport to have dinner... Had a longer time playing with my nephew...

I like the curry rice that I order... I think this outlet curry is better than the Tampines one....

Teacher's Day Gift

Received Teacher Day gift

Dinner @BFF

It was a nice time gathering together. Rest & Relax time. But getting there after work, I really took a long waiting time for bus 43. Most of the time I spent waiting for the bus, the journey less than that. I reached the venue at nearly 8pm. Supper late.

The food was average but I like the environment. Hehe... All sheep....