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Faith, Hope and Love...

These three words are used quite often, so often that we might forget what they truly mean. Our faith is reflected in the depth of our trust in God. Our hope is the strength of our confidence in His plan for us. And love is not merely a feeling, but rather expressed through the ways we act, in how we treat others
Turn on Images or Click Here To View This ItemWe look to love for the greatest happiness in life, but let us never forget that love is energized by our faith and hope, and so all three are essential to our overall joy. Whether in times of abundance or times of need, we must always remember that we are not self-sufficient, nor are we ever forgotten by our Heavenly Father. Let us always be aware of the signs of faith, hope and love that are all around us.

It is these three things - faith, hope and love - that allow us to live purposeful lives of generosity, joy and gratitude.