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Youtube app on iphone play wrong video

Haiz... recently when I am trying to view video from iphone. It keep playing the wrong video clip from the safari webpage and the default youtube app.

I am wondering am I the only person facing this issue. As I cant find any iphone user complain only Android OS user.


Anonymous said...

Same here. I noticed that happen only when I am using 3g or cellular data. If i am using wifi, it shows the correct video.

Anonymous said...

Same here. YouTube app on my iPhone 4S plays wrong video when on 3G. Very annoying. Persists despite update to iOS 5.1.

peter lwin said...

Hi sis, same thing happened on my iphone also. I cant find the solution yet. But there is a workaround, you can clear the youtube cache and history, it should be back to normal.

Dena said...

Clearing youtube cache and history really work. I am able to play the correct video but it kind of troublesome. Need to clear regularly.
Hope a perm solution to solve this issue soon.