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I hate taking taxi in sg

Recently, I really had bad experience taking cab in sg. On sunday evening, need to go to sg expo hall 2, therefore told the taxi driver want to go to sg expo hall 2, guess what he alight us at the main taxi stand which is not what we want. We say this is not what we want, he keep quiet and pretand that he does not understand and drive off. So angry. then on my way home from there, the driver do a big loop before I reach my home.. 1 day 2 bad experience.

Then on Tue morning, after my nite job, at abt 8am+, i couldn't get any taxi at ten mile junction. Call the taxi hot-line, cant get a taxi. Then i have no choice walk to bukit panjang plaza, hopping to get taxi at there. Guess what a lot of ppl waiting n no taxi also. So no choice i call to book taxi again and manage to get one but guess wat. the taxi never shown up, i have to call again. To re-scudeule another cab. Waiting for cab, called for cab, nearly an hour time wasted. I reach home nearly 11am, if i took bus and change mrt but have to stand throughtout the jounery, i would have reach home much early. haiz.. what happen to the standard of local taxi, we paying more but we never get better service. =( I really don't like it.