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Busy Dec 08

Wah... even I do not need to study in the month of dec but I still very busy.... A lot of program...maybe it end of the yr.

Hope by Jan 09, everything would be much better. I would be able to start to plan what I want to do. hehe...

Last Friday, I am not feeling well... I feel so weak till I cant get up the bed. At abt 10am+, I have to force myself to see doctor to get medicine. The whole day was so weak till I cant do anything. Sat I still feel very weak, but need to go have an early dinner with one of my church sister, as she leaving my church. So out from early afternoon till midnight... as traveling always took a lot of my time... Sometime really hate it. Midnight, my primary classmates ask me to go for coffee... Lucky I rejected... They reached home after 4am.

Sunday wake up early to went for church service. Then follow by my primary classmate, Zhiming house warming. Then rest a bit at home, go tampines to have dinner with my parents they all... After dinner, my stomach was upset till now... Haiz.... =(