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Living the good life

Water is the basis of life. It is the single most important nutrient for our bodies and is considered a "miracle cure" for many health conditions. It is involved in every function of our body.

Your body loses about two quarts of water a day through perspiration, urination, and exhalation. If you wait until you are thirsty to drink water, then you are most likely already dehydrated.

Almost 70% of the human body is made up of water. Water plays two major roles in human metabolism. It delivers oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and it flushes out toxins during the metabolic process.

Did you know...?
You muscles are about 75% water.
Your brain cells are about 85% water.
Your blood is approximately 82% water.
Your bones are approximately 25% water.
How Is Water Related To Health?
A recognized physician, F.Batmanghelidj, MD in his book titled ‘Water for Health, for Healing, for Life', points out some of the benefits of keeping your body properly hydrated:
Water is the main lubricant in the joint spaces and helps prevent arthritis and back pain.
Water increases the efficiency of the immune system.
Water prevents clogging of arteries in the heart and brain, and thus helps reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Water is directly connected to brain function.
Water helps prevent memory loss as we age, reducing the risk of degenerative diseases.
Water affects our appearance, making our skin smoother and giving it sparkling luster; it also reduces the effects of aging.
Did you know...?
Chlorine, is the Anti-Vitamin.
Chlorinated water can destroy nutrients your body needs: Vitamins A, B, C, and E, and fatty acids. Chronic skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema may clear or improve by simple switching to unchlorinated drinking water.)
The water we drink from typical sources is very different from the water that constitutes 70% of our body. Our water has been depleted of all the minerals and nutrients that once was naturally found in water...So, what do we really need?
A way to return our water to what it once was, to restore the necessary minerals back into our internal water system. There is now a product that actually puts these resources back into our existing water.

Scientists have patented a new product that makes it easy to have good health drinking good water again. A product called, Xtreme x2o!

Why Do We Need Xtreme x2o?
What are the benefits of drinking Xtreme x2o?

1) Hydrate: Xtreme x2o actually makes our water "wetter" by physically changing the molecular structure. This dramatically improves your body's hydration at the cellular level.
2) Mineralize: Xtreme x2o contains calcium, magnesium and over 70 trace minerals. These essential minerals (electrolytes) become ionic in water allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily.
3) Revitalize: Alkalinity = good health. Xtreme x2o transforms your water into a powerful alkalizing agent while creating numerous beneficial antioxidants. This radically reduces stress levels and slows the aging process caused by today's fast-paced lifestyles.

Now, with Xtreme x2o, you can drink to your pink of health! So safe, even your children can enjoy all the benefits without need to boil!

Next month look for my article addressing what happens if we don't keep our bodies ph balanced... And then we'll also talk about losing weight drinking water.

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