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Whole wk bz, sick, tired, stress

i think the whole wk, i am so bz at work and my studies... if need to name the things i did.... i feel it so meaningless... but yet i still doing it, day in day out. it part of my life. i wish to break the cycle but it seem so hard to break free.

i think i already give up, of trying nt to be bz. cause the more i dont wish to be bz, the more bz i am. i also wish i will nt fall sick so easy.

Monday went to work as usual, trying to clear my work, as wed & thur i am on course. Finally i able to go for my photoshop course. waiting to go for that course for a long time. After attending the course, i really love the photoshop even more. Wish to go for more course like tat. A lot of new trick i never know, if i never attend the course. I don think i able to pick it up by myself. Monday evening, i went for my ex-co-li wedding dinner. Reach home after 10pm, after the bath, start doing my fyp thesis till after 3am. =( really tired but no choice. then abt 5am+ i wake up and vomit. i disturb my mum sleeping.

As can tell, my tue was mc and stay at home to rest. i was sleeping most of the time. i cant do anything. i was too tired... wake up around evening, reply office email. When i check the email, i was sad, there are materials i need to prepare before thur. Meaning, i need to go office early, before the course.

On wed, i reach office around 7.30am. Meaning i wake up at 5am+, leave home at 6am+. Went office to print out all the orientation material, reply a few email. then went for a quick breakfast before my course. After my course, went to meet swee hee. Luckily still have him around to help me. If nt i don't think i able to do my fyp coding at all. He been helping me a lot. really feel so thankful.

thur the whole day i was feeling terribly, i never even took my lunch. i cant eat anything at all. stomache was in pain the whole day. after my dinner, before 9am, i fall asleep till today 11am. i know my body was over tired. i need that rest, but i don get the rest i needed. emotion, physically tired & stress.