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another bz wk

Since day one of jan 08 till now, i am still vy bz n bz n bz... It has been so many wk, i havent able to sleep late from mon - sunday... sob sob...

My physical not able to hold on for too long, i needed the rest.... everytime on train or buses, i will fall asleep... mind is not able to react vy fast too.... keep forgetting stuff... it all the signs that i am physical tired....

really wish to get out of this cycle but it just seem like an endless to me. the more i wish to get out of it, the more i into the bz cycle.

i really cant take it, i have to ask to stop teaching in the sunday school for 2 mths. i cant cope with it. with so many events in at work, and the need of doing my fyp... i donnoe... i just trying to bear with it, hoping the freedom days will come soon.