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suppose to meet my prof tml for my FYP review.... But due to he still in oversea, it has been postponed to next wk... Lucky, as i don't have much stuff to show him yet....

A different xmas

This yr is the first time, i no need to be on standby, bringing notebook around singapore during festival session... it really feel great.... I wonder how can i manage over the past few years.... keke...

This year xmas, i spent the time with my family member, on the 25th i went over to uncle Thomas place at the late afternoon. A simple and quiet holiday session.

My church celebrate xmas on last saturday. That night we all had to dress up as bible character. I won the best female character, which is a surprise to me... hehe

My team dress as the 3 wise men. I dress up as a king, at the beginning everyone think i am a princess, till i draw a beard on the face... i think because of that i won the title... when i got the photos i will upload.... i think when u see it, u will laugh at my dressing... :P

exam result

Finally got my exam result..... I manage to pass both module with a C & D. I didnt expect to pass the Silicon module. Now i have clear the module meaning i still left with 3 more modules and 1 FYP.

So i still thinking should i take 1 or 2 module on the coming sem? Dont wish to take so many, at the same time i dont wish to study for so long either.... hmm, a tough decision.....

This season let us celebrate the One Life

My workplace

New fish tank at my room


this morning at around 4am plus, having a very bad stomach cramp.... today i went to toilet for 4 times liao....

Just now feeling so hungry, n weak, therefore eat a bit of biscult. ended up with bad stomach pain.... look like i really cant take solid food at all.... =( Guess have to wait till tml night then start taking food....
Distance in the Bible, as H.W. Morton observed, is often measured not in miles but in distance from God.

Primay school classmates gathering

Yesterday night had a gathering with my primary school classmates. The date is specially arrange for me, as my last paper was on thursday. keke It been a long time so many of us gather together. We left the park 12plus nearly 1am. keke....

We even plan the next outing dates. Hope more of our classmates will turn up, and we even plan to ask more teachers to join us. This bbq we manage to invite 蔡老师.


Wah precious moments recently have so many nice figure. Yesterday pass by the outlet never see this set on display. hmm...

I Bring You Good News Of Great Joy

This is cute.... i like this one too...keke