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today i spent the whole day at home with my parents...sometime i really cant stand my mum....what she want mean she want it...she doesnt care i want it a not....

today she want to change all my plant soil, she force me to do it... which i told still not the time to change...need another few more time...she say it already long enough to change.... i think my plant will not be able to make it....i told mum i don't want to separted the plant...she just insisted and wanted to pull apart... i got no choice but to hand her the penknife. i feel so sad... why my mum never listen to want i need.

last wk when i don't feel like eating. she get so angry n force me to eat... sometime i really feel so hard to communicate with her... she never listen to what i need n want.... she just want me to follow her choice...if i don't she will start throwing temper. haiz.... -_-"