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Still no voice!!!!

haiz....i lost my voice on last friday nite, after having steamboat with my friends and co-li to celebrating 1 wk in advance birthday. Been having fever on and off since last thursday. All the way till sunday.

Really wish to rest on monday but need to prepare stuff on the early tuesday morning at 1am+. Had a long sleep after my night job till almost 2pm @tuesday afternoon. After that prepare go for my evening classes. Reach home not too late nor early.... Not in good mood, therefore very sticky to my parents. Needed their attentation to feel being pamper and concern. maybe still feeling sick that why.....

yesterday night went to cg. reach home after 11.30pm. bath and sleep almost immediately. too tired. this morning don't even feel like coming to work but i need to. it going to be another tired day till sunday then i able to rest i guess.

today and tml having evening classes. saturday noon still need to attend class till 6pm. haiz....sunday is my actual birthday, will ppl remember about it?