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Broccoli soup

Today last min decide to cook broccoli mushroom soup again. After work rushed to supermarket to buy broccoli and went home to cook it.

This time I didn't use slow cooker as I want to cook it fast. There I use gas cook. It turn out nice and no need to cook very long. Hehe

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Cold soba as dinner

Fall sick again. Today no appetite. Therefore I cooking soba + hao dai with egg soup & cold toufu. Cook dinner within 30mins.

The soup turn out surprised nice to taste. Add some ginger slices in the soup.

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Broccoli mushroom cheddar soup

Second attempt to cook this soup. This time is success. I think it still can be improved. Make it more thick n even less watery. That my goal for next round ;)

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Broccoli cheddar cheese soup

Love this soup... Even through it vy troublesome... Need to cut n prepare the sauce before cooking. But I love cheese taste... Hehe

Hope next round will not be so watery....

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Attempting to cook this 杜仲补腰汤. Actually I doesn't really like the taste. I don't think I will be cooking this again.

Add another cold tofu with sesame dressing. It taste very nice, I love it.

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Sat morning & lunch is my second attempt red bean soup. It still not the right ratio. I will keep trying till it successful. Really don't know what is lacking in the soap.

Craving for cold soba

Today craving for cold soba. Cook a simple one dish dinner. Cold soba. It taste better than the previous round.

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Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

First attempt to use the soup using slow cooker. The previous time cook for 2 hr using cooking stove, the soup was not rich. After using slow cooker I don't I want to cook the using stove as I really don't have the time factor to cook nice pot of soup. 

It is easy, morning before going to work I just wash and prepare all the ingredients into the pot. Evening there will be really to drink soup. I must try cooking other type of soup. 

Dinner time!!!

Precious Moment Gift as House Warming

This is my new house warming gift from Sir Ling. She know I love Precious Moment very much. This is so nice of her. 

Lemonade Passion fruit with Apple Cider Vinegar

Started to drink different type of DIY lemon juice. Sometime it will purely Lemonade. Sometimes I will add mint into it. It really depend on my mood what I feel like drinking. 

Got a water filter

Finally got a cleansui water filter direct from Japan.
During the setup, realize that the water tap we been using for few mth have stains. Hmm....

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This is my first attempt to boil 海带汤. I think still not long enough. Need a longer time to boil soup. Hmm... After work not enough time for the taste to be rich.

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Sunday School on 21 Nov 2015

Tonight was my turn to teach on Sunday school again. There were only 2 kids but I had a great time with them. 2 kids meaning I am able to focus on them. They are very sweet during the lesson too. During the lesson, they hug me and telling me stories that I have taught them in the past. Making me feel it really worth doting them. 

Their favor snack

Simple dinner

Today cook simple mushroom rice and dinner.

Not hotel standard but I enjoys the meal. Hehe

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Simple lunch on sat

Today cook Japanese curry for lunch. It is the sauce that is not nice else I think overall is nice.

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Belated birthday dinner & gift from ruru

Had a nice catch up time with ruru. Nowadays, we seldom meet up and dinner together.

Timing are hard to match nowadays. Must try to go out together more often.

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Simple meal at home

Finally, start cooking at home this week.

Monday dinner

Cold soba

Miso soup

Tuesday dinner

All vegetables night

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Just received a gift from a long time friend Gui. It's a expensive gift ;)

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Sunday school on 18 Jul 2015

Long time never update my blog.

Tonight teaching :) but only 2 student

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Sunday school 6 June 2015

It been a long time i posted on my little students craft work.

This year have been a busy year for me. Dad operation in jan and had some complication and need to stay in house for a month. Following is a long duration of  patient can care for him. Till now he recovery progress is still not too good. He still staying at home to rest. Hope he will recovery soon.

Following after that is my flat renovation. It still on-going but it ending soon. Hope everything will turn out ok. Looking forward for it.

Tonight there is only 3 little girl in my class but I had a fun time with them. Hope they enjoys the time together too. 1 new kid n the other long time didn't come. Hope they always stay this cheerful n innocent. :)