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Sunday School 28 June

Tonight is my turn to teach again, prepared  choclait chips for my students. This is their favour snacks. During, the class today, I need to disciple the little kids a bit. They a bit naughty and out of control. Hope next round of teaching, they will not behave like this. 

This paper gun is given to me as gift by an older student in sunday school. In fact, I never teach him but if have chance I will try to talk to him. He actually able to be good boy but most of the time, he misbehave himself. Hope He will grow out of it soon. 

gift by little student

Snack time

Craft time

Acting to be teacher

First Pandora purchase

I started my first purchase of Pandora because my mum bought me a bracelet as birthday. She asked her friend to purchase for her. Therefore, I also purchase some charms to match the bracelet. Don't know when I will be able to get it. 

Birthday gift


So sad... sg doesn't carry this bracelet. Else I will get this one. My mum insist of buying 1 for my coming birthday.

Raining Raining

This past 2 weeks have been sunny, raining. My shoes always dry & wet. I hate this feeling. Therefore, at office I have put extra clothing & shoes. Hope I will not need to use it.

Otw to work

Otw to work

Lunch time

Lunch time

Flood outside office bus stop

After office otw home

Sunday School 7 Jun 2014

Tonight, the children are overall well behaviour. Start of the lesson, there was a bit of shouting & running away. Took me a long time to settle them to listen story & doing craft and end of lesson, they will help me to clear up the toys mess they created. hehe.... I thinking the coming week again but it will be during church camp.

So hard to get them to do craft

Kids master piece of works

Helping to clean up the mess they created

Saturday favour lunch

Sarawak Laska is my favour but it always sold out. Today, I only have kolo mee to eat.

Sarawak Kolo Mee

New Breakfast

Happen to saw this at supper mart, therefore decided to try this as my office breakfast. Starting tomorrow onward. hehe... See how long I able to finish the whole packet. I am a person like to try new stuff.

Cook Gyoza for dinner

Failure of Gyoza this time. The taste of the Gyoza is ok but a bit over burnt.

Dinner @Bedok Mall Ramen Play

It been a disappointment for tonight food at Ramen Play. It is too salty, over cook & over burn. The rest of the food I didn't bother to take pictures. This was support to be my favour stall at Bedok Mall. I think it because of the chief that night. Hope the next round will be better.

Dumpling 2014

Home made dumplings by my mum friend. It look weird with the blue colour but tasted still ok.