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Saturday favourite breakfast

Usually if possible I would like to eat ban mee for breakfast on wkend morning. I guess once my start yoga lesson, I would have to give this a miss. I love the soup based n chilly. Yummy!  Yummy!

Dinner time @bedok point

Hmm...dinnerserday was a bad day. From my office to bedok point, I need to changes 4 buses.At each bus stop I misses the bus I wanted to take in front of me.

Then cow misread my msg n went to wrong place and a bit angry at me. Made him go wrong place. Point n mall are different mah. At tat point of texting I only text venue n didn't put wat I feel like eating. It becomes my issues.

Finally, we arrived n orders the foods. The food presentation was great but overall very salty. What a crap day for me.

My dinner

Cow dinner

Diet! Lose weight! Almost impossible for me

Hmm....with drawer full of foods...I think it going to be very hard for me to go on diet.... At work place, I can eat whenever I feel hungry... Need to stop buying unhealthy snack.... Need to start eating healthy.


Finally tried this jap coffee... I find it so so only... Maybe I have add too much water. That the reason I find it very dilute. Will give it a try again.

Dinner at Bedok Mall 19 May 2014

Not sure why...always feel the food at Bedok Mall is not as good as other popular places... Even Ding Tai Feng. Is it because I am too picky?

Mac Kitty

Hehe..... Swee Hee bought the kitty for me.... As I am not able to buy it at bedok... All sold out. Plus I not feeling well on the beginning of the week. I never expected to be able to get the kitty any more.

Sunday School 17 May 2014

Today there is a lot of little students. Total 7 kids. If I alone I really not able to handle it. Lucky, xiuxiu come to help me up. 

Hand paint shoes

It been a long time I have wear this shoes. hehe... This is what I bought many years ago. I still love the shoes very much. 

Online Purchase

It been a while I have never do any online purchase. hehe... Bought a long wallet and finally arrival tonight. Over all I find the wallet are ok

Dinner @Bedok Mall ITACHO Sushi

Dinner @Bedok mall... It been sometime I have my dinner at there. hehe... Before that I am very busy at workplace. Recently, able to leave office slightly early. Order a lot of salmon.... My favour ;)