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Craving for this

Don't know why... Suddenly feel like eating salmon bento but I dont think I will be able to have this till next week. This coming weekend I am very busy.

Saturday late morning, I need to meet my insurance agent, evening going to church. Sunday even more busy. Lunch time need to go for Sunday School teacher training, night time going for my primary school friend wedding. It going to be a busy weekend.

Sunday School on 7 Sep 2013

I had my usual fun times with my little students but hard a surprise cards from 2 students "April & Eva". They made a Happy Teacher's Day card for me. hehe... Love it so much.

From Eva

From April

All my little students love to do drawing on the white board and the little treasure box. I guess they love the sweets that was inside. haha

Plus a surprise belated birthday gift from 鼎生&秀娟. The Mac Black kitty which I thought I will never be able to collect it. Love it so much. 


Today is 1 days after my birthday. This year took 2 days AL to get out of work. hehe... Had a nice 2 days break. Went to JB with my husband for a 1 night stayed at KSL. We went to shopping n eat at there. I bought 2 pair of shoes.

Everytime, went over to JB is rush rush rush. Had a lunch on Saturday, then rush to church services. It really very rare, not rushing for time. Enjoys the time together. hehe.

First time having lunch at this place but I found the food so so....

Sunday School Teaching on 17 & 31 Aug 2013

It has been a long time I have update my blog. hehe... Misses a lot of updates on my sunday school teaching. 

Cute students art pieces