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Lunch with Nus classmate at Woodland Causeway Point

Friday was a day with a few appointment. Since wake up, was meeting with friends whole day.

Morning meet ruru for lunch, lunch with Zhang Li n Chee Hao. Follow by dinner with Meiping, Xiaoying n her husband.

Food tasting

Our food tasting was a nightmare.... When we reached, we saw on the table that the menu was wrong...

Cheong Wee quickly informs the person-in-charge... When the food was served... The quality was bad, as the food was prepare last min...

Therefore, cheong wee did a complain the following day... the person-in-charge quickly arrange another food tasting... Happen to be my sister actual day birthday... We celebrate her birthday together. Hehe

Your heart will lead u home

"Through wisdom a house is built,
and by understanding it is established;
by knowledge the rooms are filled
with all precious and pleasant riches."
~Proverbs 24:3-4

Lunch with dear

Yesterday, sleep late, wake up early... Very tired, took nap at abt noon.

Therefore took late lunch @3pm at Manhattan Fish Market, Bedok Point. It is nice but eating too much feel very sick of it.

Green eye cat @Bus stop

Meet up my ex vendor for dinner @AMK

Today this meet up was like a very long gang meet up... Since we last support on my previous company. Keke..

I think it has be more than a year. We three have meet up.. Last time support the same system three of us use to have meal together. Even after night job, eating prata near NUS... Know this two vendor for more than 4yrs.

Still got meet up David but it Siraj tat been so long never meet up... Just hope the new job will b suitable for him. This meet up, all three of us have change jobs. This is a happy gathering and not sad one.

Meet my ex-co li for lunch

It been a long time, never meet Halim for a long time. Had a gd time chatting with him.

Meet up with my Primary School Teacher!!!

Today I am very happy... Meet up with my primary school teacher and had a gd time chatting. Hehe

She is still the teacher that I know of....

Tonight meeting my Primary schoolteacher

Can't wait for tonight.... Tonight meeting my Primary school teacher. It been so many year, she still remember me. Hehe...

Really must try to contact her more often... Really miss this teacher vy much.

Current reading book

This is my 3rd book that I have start reading....