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Tea time

After dinner with my cell group friends, continuing tea with a bigger group of friends. Total of 9 people. It really a long time I drink tea with so many people.

Dinner with my cell group

This family Loy Sum Juan Restaurant food not bad. Worth to come again.

Favor thai food stall

You cannot see me. :)

This bird very trying to act dead when u cover it with towel... It will slowly crawl out of the towel when it feel no one are looking at him. Very cute and funny bird

Naughty bird aiming another bird feet

If you take a closing look at the picture, naughty bird is trying to find the right timing to bite the bird feet that is on his cage.

When the 3 birds are free to roam around Irene shop, it is so cute. I will try to video it, if I have the chance.

Sunday school 23 June 2012

Today is my second time of the month to be sunday school teacher. Today lesson carries on my precious 2 week lesson.

Really enjoys teaching little children.

Weekend lunch 23 June 2012

Today dear bring me to eat fried chicken other than KFC.

This shop is really very popular. A lot of ppl but I found the food is normal only. Or should I say the quality is very hard to maintain because of the crowd.

End of 1 week training @SLF building

This week time flies very fast... I have finish 5 days training. I am otw home. Hot weather, clear sky.

Next week back to work again. No more good view during lunch break.

Gift from Dear from KL

This is dear bought for me from KL, during the church camp which I have missed.

Visit Uncle Thomas

Yesterday, after my course went to visit Uncle Thomas at his home. He just back home after balloon due to blockage. Lucky, he was a happy go lucky person. He can even joke when we went to visit him with our cell group members.

Dinner @Bukit Panjang Mall before visit Uncle Thomas with my CG 

Breakfast @SLF

Father's Day 2012

This year Father's Day was a bit special, we went Changi point. It is so rare that dad step out if the house in weekend.

I like the noodles but the pizza is not nice.

Training at SLF building

This whole week training at vendor office. Nice view

Irene shop birds picture @17June12

Today, as usual I went to Irene shop but today I went there alone. Dear was not in town to go together. Having a fun time playing with Irene Little parrots.
The new member @Irene shop

The couple birds


Today I really don't want to think what should I eat for dinner. I asked mum to decide and packed for me.

Bedroom wall

Feeling kind of bored and tired... Wonder what should I do... Don't know what I want in my life...

Dinner with Elysa

Tonight had a good catch up with Elysa. It was really a very enjoyable hang out. We had Dinner at TCC at POMO. `It a small shopping mall but it a nice place for chit chatting session.

Faith Wang baby shower

The gift package

A cute cup cake & red egg 

What wrong with me today?

Today don't know why I am more sotong than usual.

I wanted to go for my friend baby shower. I left home, walked half way to mrt station, realize I forget to bring the red packet. Then walked all the way back to get it.

After I left, I realize I forget to bring my ezlink card. Therefore have to go back home again. Haiz....

Reached kallang MRT have to wait for Cheong wee. Before that, he seem not interested in going. Since he went out early in the morning to meet his friends. Now waiting at the bus stop for him to arrive.

It seem so hard to get to see my friend, Jill baby...

Dinner at Yishun Mayim before church service

Cheong wee & I have our dinner at Mayim before church service. This is the first time I ate at this restaurant. The food is so so... but if given better choice I will not pick this shop. Nothing really making me curving for second time.

It was a surprise a lot of youth choose to eat at this shop. Usually I would think the youth prefer fried food.

Uniquely Zesty Pickles

Crispy roasted pork serve with washabi

clear soup with sliced chicken, mushroom,bamboo pith,buna shimeji mushroom, king oyster mushroom, wolf berry & sliced pork

Deep fried tofu with spiced salt

Assorted diced duck meat, shrimp, mushroom, chicken & conpoy brown sauce over savory rice

Dear hot coffee

mine is hot chrysanthemum tea