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Naughty bird

Naughty bird cold cold after bath.
Jump on my legs to rest.

Bus stop cat

This is a rare picture because every time I see this cat, it's sleeping. Hehe

Goldfish flower

My mum bought this plant since this year CNY. Till now it is still blooming flower. Does this flower look like Goldfish.

Loving out Friends

Today it is my turn to teach at Suday School.

Plus Mother's Day craft. The complete work by them are nice ;)

Kindle Casing

Yesterday, I finally got my purple Kindle casing.

The sad thing is I am still not able to purchase any kindle book from amazon store even change to US country :(

Had a awful dinner

Today my dinner all taste vy awful...

Collected my wedding bands

Today finally went to collect my wedding bands


Just wake up after an night job this morning. Don't know y, after night Job can only sleep less 4hr.

Either wake up naturally or phone calls. Today is phone call. Vendor planner called for status update. Haiz...

Hope later in the afternoon I able to catch some sleep. Now I am feeling hungry... Really feel like eating a plate of duck rice. Like the attached picture

Bus supper hot

Not sure is it my luck for today is very bad. Early morning I have missed 3 buses in a row.

Tonight have night job, therefore I left office a bit early. All the 3 tibs buses. Blowing hot air at me, which causes headache. I can't stand it till I alight at kebangang mrt to change to sbs bus. Finally I feel the air-con. I am crossing my finger, tonight night job will be smooth one. Hmm

Bought my wedding shoes

Today shop till supper tired. Shop for few hours finally able to get a pair of shoes that I loved.
Finally got this design

Can enjoys my dinner... SOooo hungry + _+

Share His Gift of Love

Come to me, all you who are weary
and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Wedding Growns

Finally picked the five wedding Growns for the wedding photos. Hope everything will turn out fine.

My wedding bands

Today we have finally have picked our wedding bands :) Really like it very much. 

My first LV bag

Blessed Easter Day!

"I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
Do you believe this?"
(John 11:25-26)